2022-01-06 Meeting

2022-01-06 Meeting


Agenda and Notes:

  • (Kate) Microsoft Access alternatives update
    • Challenges to finding a sustainable realistic alternative that's going to work with Windows Auth
    • Two options for continuing to support read access
      • Let it go until Access is no longer viable
      • Set an end date and everything goes into excel or sheets on that date. 
      • What DBs are we talking about (all on e-reserves system)
        • MASC - Follow up with staff on advising them to get the data out by X date. 
        • PPPL Cat - Kevin will check with Peter to see where this went with Marc records. Dump database and store it on S3?
        • Supplementary Catalog - Steph will check to see who is still using this, Esmé can check with them and see how they use it and if Figgy would be a good replacement
        • Reserves - move to simple search/browse interface
  • (Kevin) Voyager sunsetting:
    • Voyager - Goal is to shut down by end of Jan.
      • Converting database from Oracle to Postgres. Esmé will ask Simeon from Cornell about their Oracle-to-Postgres tooling that they used for their Voyager data
      • Cornell may have a script to share with us that can help with this. 
    • SFX  - reconfirmed with E-resource staff that this still needed for active clean-up work still related to the alma migration. Shut down date - June 2022. 
  • (Steph) System decommissioning:
    • Disconnected from the network: Lib-serv24, libserv127, and Meridian
    • http://webvoyage.princeton.edu/ has been made inaccessible
    • Close to decommissioning libserv64
    • Lib-elixir.princeton.edu?
      • Check with Francis or Trey on status
      • On it's own system: lib-elixir-test - already decommissioned