2021-07-22 Meeting
2021-07-22 Meeting
- Meridian update
- Powers getIt.princeton.edu
- RO account requested for Meridian from Ex Libris (James Mitchell)
- GetIt can be decommissioned on or after 2021/08/04
- Panopto update
- This could replace Barbara M.'s video tool. Kate will set up a meeting with her and Peter B. post-Alma to decide on how to proceed.
- This is well-integrated with Canvas.
- This could be a delivery tool and an inventory tool.
- Links to videos currently in ARES will need to change.
- We could produce a mapping file that the vendor could use to change the links in bulk.
- This has better security for distribution than the current tool.
- VRR group thought this will work for OARSC-like delivery of video, at least until Figgy supports video in-line for OARSC in Finding Aids.
- This could replace Barbara M.'s video tool. Kate will set up a meeting with her and Peter B. post-Alma to decide on how to proceed.
- Classroom Transcription site decommissioning (post-Alma)
- Can take it down, uncomment from the web server and take offline. Kevin will do this.
- MASC database update - https://lib-dbserver.princeton.edu/masc/
- Kate will back up the database (MSSQL) to pul-archivedbackups on S3.
- Check with Alexis about turning off the MASC front-end. Kate will work with Stephanie once we get the all-clear to remove.
- MASC data was migrated to ASpace; ongoing work on this data is/should be taking place in ASpace.
- Decommissioned systems as of 19 July 2021
- libserv32 (pudltest\findingaidstest\findingaidstest2012)
- libserv41 (pulsearch-db-dev2)
- libserv62 (findingtest)
- libserv71 (pudl-old)
- libserv88 (pudldev, findingaidsdev, diglibdev)
- puldam-dev
- libserv61-test_exproxy-test
- lib-aeon-dev
- Lib-AnsTest
- lib-elixir-test1
- lib-pprcut-dev
- notations-staging1
- rbsc_staging1
- preservation-tracking-staging1
- We have fully decommissioned these servers; they have been unplugged from the network for a month now.
- Could turn the PULFA SVN server off in the next PULFAlight work cycle, hopefully.
- Would need some time with Francis and a DRDS developer to migrate and create an ASpace syncing cycle.
- Will need to work with Regine to ensure documentation/training is up to date for git instead of SVN.
- LIbserv64
- Working on retiring this; most of the content was migrated to the Isilon but it was still in use with atomic changes made, so we are not yet able to retire this server.
- Operations has worked with Christa to ensure that she is no longer using LibServ64 for the web portal. We are still seeing traffic from someone else from that web portal. Stephanie is checking into users.