2022-01-20 Meeting

2022-01-20 Meeting



Agenda and Notes:

  • (Kate) Microsoft Access alternatives update
      • What DBs are we talking about (all on e-reserves system)
        • MASC - Follow up with staff on advising them to get the data out by X date. 
        • PPPL Cat - Kevin will check with Peter to see where this went with Marc records. Dump database and store it on S3?
          • Kevin followed up with Peter.  He found a record of work that he did many years ago with that database (2012), creating a bunch of bib IDs out of it, ~5200 records.
          • Action item: we should make a dark archive in pul-archivedbackups on S3, and then we can turn it off.  
            • Kate will share S3 bucket information before next meeting.
        • Supplementary Catalog - Steph will check to see who is still using this, Esmé can check with them and see how they use it and if Figgy would be a good replacement
          • Steph has usage stats but this is mostly IP addresses and no login information.
          • We have no way of determining who was using it if they're on the VPN.  
          • Action item: Steph can locate the names of the people she knows to be using this, and will follow up with them directly to find out who's using it.
            • Sandy Hambrech
            • Steve Ferguson
          • What we have thought about doing: transfer this into Figgy, but  we need to determine how the users them search.
        • Reserves - move to simple search/browse interface
          • Kevin followed up with users.  The web frontend is gone, and they are using Access to get to information to locate old PDFs.
          • Kevin stated that, since this database is going away at the end of this fiscal year, they should be mindful of how they're using this data and to tell us if there is a need for this data moving forward, what sort of simplified view is needed for service continuity.
          • Got feedback from the primary user, on the fields that are useful to search.  It seems like there is one person who primarily uses it.  Kevin will take his comments at the end of the semester and archive the data, then put it into a flat table (similar to music database migration). 
  • (Steph) Decommission process has been started on libserv64 - network unplugged
    • This server had a lot of "digital archives" materials.  Copies of things from various places, that are living in other places on storage.  There was some sort of web access to get to some of these copies too, but when we looked, they were referencing copies of content that were on servers that aren't libserv64.  Philippe created a new interface to get to these.
    • We may want to have this network-unplugged for more than a month before completely decommissioning, given that there are many people who use it infrequently.  
  • (Kevin) Voyager -
    • Testing replacement "bursar" workflow for Alma this week. Circ will switch to this hopefully next week. Last live thing on Voyager. 
    • MarK will work on Archiving Voyager data next week.