2021-09-02 Meeting
2021-09-02 Meeting
Present: Kevin, Steph, Esmé
Regrets: Kate
- lib-ruby-prod can be decommissioned
- Last application moved off of this machine
- No update on Meridian
- Lots of data cleanup and staff vacations, so not a lot of work going on for sunsetting Voyager/Meridian/SFX/etc. yet. Expect to handle this as a group later this fall.
- Cliff is working on sunsetting PUDL
- Redirecting ARKs to collection-level pages
- Will decomissions PUDL and then go back and put in item-level redirects
- May be able to turn off old image servers at that point too — will look at traffic and evaluate
- TSM: campus is starting to move people to the new backup service, but expect that to take the rest of the calendar year. Don't expect this to be a problem for us.
- Moving figgy to new postgres infrastructure (it's the last one on the old postgres cluster) and can retire that old system then.
- Hoping to move apps from Solr 7 to Solr 8 too. Hope to have DLS and DRDS collaborate on that for cross-training.
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