2021-08-05 Meeting
2021-08-05 Meeting
- Kevin
- Esmé
- Kate
- Post-Alma sunsetting
- GetIt
- Redirect to new service was put in place yesterday.
- We should keep it going for a little while, just in case. Give it until the end of the month, then sunset.
- Meridian
- We are on the hook to pull some data out of it before we can think about sunsetting.
- Stephanie had asked Philippe to set up some RO credentials to get data out of there. Once these are available and we are out of the initial Alma launch, someone in EUS can assist.
- Kevin follow up on getting credentials once Stephanie is back.
- No processes depend on it, but staff may find it useful to work with as a standard of comparison against the new Alma software.
- We are still on track to sunset this in October along with Voyager.
- Voyager
- Still on track to sunset in October.
- There are read-only accounts available to a limited number of staff throughout the library for comparison work with Alma.
- Write credentials are only available to Joan M., Angie, Mark Zelesky, Peter Green, Paul Diskin.
- Bibdata/Orangelight machines
- Decommissioning old ones; Kate will check and update this list.
- GetIt
- Check on action items
- Panopto
- Kate has a meeting set up with Peter and Barbara for a demo of Panopto
- MASC database
- Get a data dump and put in S3.
- Turn off the application at the end of the month?
- Look at the logs and see if people are using it a lot.
- Kevin will dump the data and send it to Kate.
- Kate will inspect the dump to check usage (IAS logs?) and/or database data updates and back up to S3.
- Back up the data, alert users that we have a dark archive of the database, that we will be sunsetting the service at the end of the month, and to keep using ASpace for the data.
- PULFA SVN server
- Nothing new to report; hoping to get this on the docket for the next PULFAlight work cycle (in August).
- Decouple from indexing in PULFAlight so it's just a monthly ( ? ) cron job or something.
- Panopto
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