2022-12-09 Meeting

2022-12-09 Meeting


Agenda and Notes:

  • (Steph) PHP EAL applications - we should be comfortable with saying no to some of these . . . 
  • (Steph) Server decommissions:
    • Ready to remove from rack, host database, firewall rules:  
      • Voyager app and database server.  
      • Libserv35 (pulfa)
      • Libserv25/original image catalog (AIX)
    • libserv29 (lib-solr1), libserv26 (lib-solr2), and libserv141 (lib-solr3) have been off for a month. They have been powered down and they can be repurposed / decommissioned.
    • Libserv19/libimages  has been repurposed as Windows server.
    • Can we decommision these systems:
      • Libserv20 (findingaidsdev)?
        • (Trey) Yes
      • libserv21/geoserv1?
        • (Trey) No. This is our geoserver production box. If we want to move it to a VM we'll have to do some testing of that. Geoserver's finicky - we're looking into ways to replace its functionality with smaller services, but it's very experimental right now.
  • (Steph) New storage for our virtual infrastructure is scheduled to be delivered on Monday 12 December. We will be moving systems over in early 2023 and decommissioning the legacy (current) storage systems.
  • (Steph) lib-dbserver - setting up a meeting with Kevin and members of my team to decide what to do. This pertains to ImageCat / the Supplemental Catalog / the service that lives on
  • (Kevin) Video Reserves (is there a path for this for figgy? Should we rewrite this as a rails application). 
  • (Kate) DSpace Sunsetting WG

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