2021-05-13 Meeting
2021-05-13 Meeting
Attendees: Kevin, Kate, Steph, Esmé
- Updates on action items:
- (Kate) Validate timeline for sunsetting PULFA
- There is not currently a date/date range with the stakeholders. We may be able to determine one working through the sunsetting form with this group.
- Checked with stakeholders, but no firm date. Kate will start working through the Sunsetting form with Trey, who will follow up through Pulfalight Operations Group.
- There is not currently a date/date range with the stakeholders. We may be able to determine one working through the sunsetting form with this group.
- (Kate) Check with DRDS liaisons for PULFA and ASpace Operations groups about sharing the sunsetting form
- Kate is filling out a draft of the form to share with Trey and the rest of the PULFAlight Operations group
- (Kate) Validate timeline for sunsetting PULFA
- Matomo sunsetting needs?
- No longer using this, server
may have been turned off orhas been decommissioned entirely. So we can sunset this ASAP. There's one statistic that uses historical data that's not working now, but it'll start working in September. Jon's ok with that. Steph has confirmed that the server has been decommissioned.
- No longer using this, server
- Voyager EOL - Propose 60 days - Client accounts will be set to read-only mode. Can ask Dept. Managers who needs to retain a client if we want to remove them from workstations in waves
- We can decommission on 10/01. A few CaMS folks can have clients until then, but the vast majority of staff can have the clients removed on 08/01.
- SFX and Meridian EOL - Propose 60 days
- Only handful of people using this, and no clients.
- Ruby Office Hours machine (lib-office1?) Still needed after Voyager retirement, just switching to Alma data. This is also related to lib-jobs, since bulk/routine operations use a lot of the same data that this kind of work uses.
- Video Reserves - Any ideas when it is realistic to sunset this application?
- Still using this app, and we could migrate it to a more current server.
- Panopto work is going forward quickly, Kate will reach out to Barbara about whether it would be a good replacement, including for administrative/tracking/management purposes.
- Not sure Figgy would be needed here, except just to archive/preserve files.
Action Items:
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