2023-01-20 Meeting

2023-01-20 Meeting



Agenda and Notes:

  • (Kate) Meeting series frequency
    • Shall we adjust this meeting series to once a month given the rate of cancelation/lack of agenda?
    • We should see what comes out of the LAT/LSC meeting.
    • Should we combine this meeting with the IT/Development/Operations bi-weekly meeting into just one meeting series and cover both topics there?
    • Give Steph a chance to weigh in. (Kate will post on Slack about this)
  • (Kate) Dissertations in Alma
    • Bess from RDSS can help Mark (Kate has checked in on this).
    • Kevin will ask DACS who can help Mark and give Kate that information.
    • Kate will own this process of migration and will start the ball rolling over email once we have all contacts.
    • Goal: convert ProQuest XML to marc, import PDFs into Figgy and link the marc record to the Figgy record.
  • (Kevin) Libserv39
    • Questions for Stephanie.
    • Kevin went through it; there are a number of things that the catalog points to (indices, ToCs, etc , all PDFs) that are sitting on this server.  How do these become part of the Library PDF workflow?  There are ~40 of them.
    • Vicki Principi is already porting RBSC files like this to Figgy.  Kevin can send her a list of the files he found (if it's appropriate for her to do this).

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