Libserv64 (disconnected for the network since 02 March)
Libserv19/libimages (stopped apache service on 06 April)
Libserv25 (AIX system)
Lib-TripW_TE-8.6.2_Trail (powered off 29 March)
libserv161-cpanda (powered off 29 March)
Docalerts (will archive/migrate code, then power off)
(Steph) update on Voyager and SFX
(Trey) libserv35 (pulfa)
Next cycle will be the "get what needs to be done to turn this off done", but that cycle's not scheduled. is currently accessible off VPN and being discovered by Google. Probably needs some sort of firewall?
(Trey) libimages2 vs cloud
Had some discussion of imagecat (Supplemental Catalog) - what to do move this content and retire this application
Discussion about old sites - Tom V. libphp-prod lamp applications (working to have these updated and off the current server by end of summer) and others