Kate Lynch Esmé Cowles Stephanie Ayers
- Meridian sunsetting check-in
- Would like to archive Oracle database (preferably as CSV). Realistically, this should be after Alma migration.
- Can retire at the same time as Voyager and getit.princeton.edu
- Phillipe will request a read-only user from Ex Libris
- VMs to be decommissioned - have been disconnected from the network, will be archived after 30 days unless someone complains:
- Lib-pprcut-dev
- Libserv32 (pudltest\findingaidstest\findingaidstest2012)
- Libserv41 (pulsearch-db-dev2)
- Libserv62 (findingtest)
- Libserv71 (pudl-old)
- Libserv88 (pudldev, findingaidsdev, diglibdev)
{"serverDuration": 22, "requestCorrelationId": "be87e28d3012461a8bfe5297bdebbf3c"}