2021-12-14 Meeting
2021-12-14 Meeting
Agenda and Notes:
- (Kate) Microsoft Access alternatives
- LibreOffice and OpenOffice look like options here
- Goal is to write up docs for how to do this and setup JDBC drivers
- Seems like a good way to share a read-only database
- (Esmé) PUDL sunsetting
- PUDL Redirects: https://github.com/pulibrary/princeton_ansible/pull/2615
- PR merged, expect to deploy tomorrow AM
- (Kevin) At the end of the year and Voyager is still up
- Mark will meet with Joan this week on bursar update. Have a workaround, but it's pretty cumbersome. Hope to transition in January.
- Mark needs to spend some time archiving data from Voyager database.
- SFX: still being used for reference (would like to keep until end of fiscal year), should be restricted to campus
- Meridian: can be retired now
- Should retire these systems by end of January
- (Esmé) PULFA 2 is still running — still used for comparison and understanding some old features
- Find to leave it up and running for now, but may not be able to restore it
- (Kevin) Video Database used by Barbara McLoughlin — need to retire this at some point
- Currently using Wowza with good support from OIT, etc.
- Need Figgy video support or another option to replace Wowza
- Might be able to use ARes instead of PHP catalog, but can't print pullslips from ARes
- Kate will follow up with Barbara to work through the printing issues and see what we can do here
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