2020-12-18 Meeting
2020-12-18 Meeting
- Deprecated Services review
- Service Catalog review
- Sunsetting Evaluation Template review
- Applications / services to sunset
- Confluence page (link?)
- Shall we reformat this list into a tabular format? Yes. Add a “status” column, “notes,” others as needed.
- Service Catalog review
- Review in depth before next meeting if needed
- Add stakeholders to this sheet
- Add descriptions to this sheet
- Stephanie has members of her team going through the server inventory and gathering information there. She will create a new page to populate with this information, for us to review and tie back to the services.
- Other notes:
- Meridian can definitely be sunset after the Alma transition (Kevin R. spoke to Joe M.)
- Post Alma migration deprecations: Voyager, SFX, Meridian
Action items:
- Stephanie - reformat the applications / services to sunset list
- All - fill in the Service Catalog stakeholders and description columns as much as possible
- Next meeting: review and fill in remaining blanks as a group
- Kate - Add “Communication plan” for each step in the sunsetting evaluation template