2022-03-17 Meeting

2022-03-17 Meeting


Agenda and Notes:

  • (Steph) Voyager migration decommission update?
    • No new updates.  This is mostly down to work that only Mark Zelesky can do, and there have been other priorities in the past month.
  • (Steph) Can libserv35 be decommissioned? This is the findingaids2 system
    • What is findingaids2?  The PULFA server. 
    • Is this server ready to be shut down?  Had heard 6 months, or "whenever it eventually goes down."  Good to clarify, ask Trey at the next meeting.
  • (Esmé) DataSpace
    • Exciting that we can start adding DataSpace to this sunsetting list.
    • Aspire to shut this down sooner than later.  
    • Kate has been working on a plan to handle the metadata needs in a new application, and handle the files in Figgy.  Most of the bitstreams belong in Figgy, but the items that don't (Research Data) will move eventually. 
    • Wind will lead the stakeholders meeting for initial buy-in.
  • (Kate) Rescheduling this meeting
    • 12:30PM EST on Fridays 
  • (Kate) Elements
    • Upgrade and migration moving forward
    • Kickoff meeting this past Wednesday
    • Moving to 6.6, hopefully.  Currently on 5.14 which may make it tricky.
    • Creating a sponsored vendor account for Digital Science and requesting full admin access to the existing server for them.
  • (Kevin) Figgy content migration (Concert Archive programs)
  • (Kevin) LibPHPDev and LibPHPProd servers 
    • LibPHPProd has digital projects content (minor applications) that DLS have agreed are in their purview.  Good to discuss with Trey at the next meeting.
  • (Kevin) Video services database - probably just need to migrate the service this year.  
    • Ansible-ize the database server.