Import OCLC Records Into Alma

Import a WorldCat record into the MDE

Step 1: Connexion Client

Use Connexion Client to search for the best WorldCat record for the material you are cataloging

Copy its OCLC control number

Step 2: Open the Metadata Editor

Check out video instruction in Cataloging & Inventory Management Training Modules 3: Cataloging, Part 2 (Segment 22:45 - 31:10)

A) If there has been no bib record in Alma to overlay

B) If you have a bib record in Alma to be overlaid by a WorldCat record

Open the bib in the Main Pane of the MDE

Click on the menu option Search & Browse > Search Resources

Verify that WorldCat is selected in the Search Cataloging Profile drop-down menu


Search text will be populated from the existing Alma record in the left split pane. (You don't need to clear them, because the System Number you paste next will override the text in all other fields.)


In the last search criteria System Number, choose the operator Contains Keywords

Paste the control number of the record you've found in Connexion Client into the box

Press Search

In Search Resources Results, verify that it is displaying the targeted WorldCat record


Press Import

Alternative, you may press View to see the record first before importing it

The record is now in the MDE. You can close Search Resources

Press the three-dot button, select copy and merge

Alternatively, you can select Merge Preview first before executing Copy & Merge


Edit the record as needed

Save the record to Princeton's repository

If you have brought in a record by mistake -
  • If you have not saved it, the imported record displays the badge New. Simply Release Record
  • If you have saved it to Princeton's repository, you will need to delete the bib (Ctrl+D)
If you have overlaid a record by mistake -
  • If you have not saved the merged version yet after Copy & Merge, select the menu option Record Actions > Reload Original Record to recover the original Alma record
  • If you have saved it to Princeton's repository, select the menu option View Related Data > View Versions to restore the previous version of the Alma record

Why is Copy and Overlay not the choice for overlaying an existing bib with a WorldCat master record?

Despite its tempting name, Copy and Overlay is not the choice because it will completely replace your original record with the one you have retrieved from WorldCat. This will delete local fields.

In contrast, Copy and Merge will merge the data of the external and local records, leaving you with an enhanced local record.


There are three methods for bringing OCLC records into Alma.

1) This page covers how to import a WorldCat record into the Metadata Editor by using the menu option Search Resources. See Flowchart A -

Flowchart A

Flowchart A does not take into consideration the more complex scenarios concerning non-Roman or special collection materials. See Flowchart B for coverage of more scenarios.

2) A second method exports records from Connexion Client to Alma using F5 and requires proper configuration of your Connexion.

3) A third method, batch loading records from Connexion Client via an intermediary mrc file, is not covered here. The method is currently utilized for electronic resources mainly but can be adapted for other types of resources.

Administrative documentation

 Merge rule: PUL-Merge (last modified August 24, 2021)

rule "PUL-Merge"
#Copy cataloging using an external resource -- primary record is the external resource.  The primary record is the record that will contain all of the merged information. The secondary record is the record whose information will be merged into the primary record. Merge rules either remove information in the primary record or copy information from the secondary record to the primary record.
#Attempting to replicate Voyager BBID Merge.  Fields lists: [all] 037, 510, 541, 035, 555, 561, 590, 655, 856, 904, 947. [only with |5 NjP] 500, 700, 710, 563, 583.  These are for preservation.
#Also from my OCLC export options: Fields to delete from exported record.  900-999,029,016,049,052,590,019.
#How about 902?  947--what's that?  (Tag table doesn't define.) 
#Modified on 2021-08-10 per jwb SN@P ticket TASK0199140
#Modified on 2021-08-24 by doncat per GitHub issue #21 and further discussion with Jennifer. MARC."019" not removed. No 035 in secondary record retained except for princetondb Voyager BIB ID and OCLC subfield 9 for e-resources. Anyone wishing to check other 035s can view versions.
remove MARC."016"
remove MARC."029"
remove MARC."049"
remove MARC."052"
remove MARC."59"X
remove MARC."9"XX
# replace MARC."035" when MARC."035"."a" contains "OCoLC" excluding MARC."035"("9","9")
add MARC."035" when MARC."035"."a" contains "princetondb"
add MARC."035" when MARC."035"."9" contains "OCoLC"
add MARC."037"
add MARC."506"
add MARC."510"
add MARC."541"
add MARC."555"
add MARC."561"
add MARC."562"
add MARC."590"
add MARC."655"
add MARC."856"
add MARC."902"
add MARC."904"

add MARC."500" when MARC."500"."5" contains "NjP"
add MARC."700" when MARC."700"."5" contains "NjP"
add MARC."710" when MARC."710"."5" contains "NjP"
add MARC."563" when MARC."563"."5" contains "NjP"
add MARC."583" when MARC."583"."5" contains "NjP"