Princeton OCLC Data Sync Process
OCLC Data Sync is a process to synchronize institutional holdings with WorldCat to make local library collections visible and available through OCLC services by:
- Adding original cataloging records to WorldCat
- Matching records from your local catalog with records in WorldCat
- Managing local holdings data
- Setting or deleting holdings for single institutions or groups to accurately reflect what is in your collection
- Updating your holdings in WorldCat with additional Local Bibliographic data
As of Nov 17, 2022, PUL began sending records to OCLC via DataSync (automated Aug 22, 2023).
As of Jan 8, 2024, automatic Alma updates from OCLC were activated and on Mar 4, 2024, they were suspended indefinitely.
As of Jan 8, 2024, when OCLC Master Records are merged into other OCLC records, Alma’s OCLC numbers are updated.
As of 8/21/24, the 583 field from holdings is included in enrichment when sending records to OCLC. All records with retention commitments have been updated in OCLC by 8/31/24. The retention commitments will be shown on records that PUL originated via "create" or "replace" process.
Initial Reclamation Project
In August of 2022, the Data Sync group sent a large batch of records to OCLC to synchronize holdings. Criteria for inclusion were:
- Bib record is unsuppressed.
- Bib record has at least one unsuppressed holding.
- Bib record passed extensive validation checks (see here).
Staff remediated many of the records that did not pass validation to make them ready for the automated DataSync process that was to be turned on after this initial reclamation.
If a record received an OCLC number from OCLC that differed from the OCLC number present in the bib record, the original OCLC number was moved to a 919 field (see documentation on the 919 field here).
Criteria For Sending Records
Every week, PUL extracts records (mostly newly cataloged titles) and submits them to OCLC via an Alma publishing job to sync PUL holdings with the WorldCat database. The criteria used to identify records eligible for Data Sync are:
- Bib record has no 914 fields.
- Bib record has no 915 fields.
- Bib is unsuppressed.
- Bib record is brief level 4 or above. See Brief Level documentation.
- Bib record has at least one physical item attached to an unsuppressed holding that is not in the Acquisition Process or the Acquisitions and Cataloging Work Order.
OCLC Process and Reports
When OCLC receives the files, the records will go through OCLC’s own validation process. OCLC then generates a report that shows the action taken with each record (BibProcessingReport). If a record passes validation, OCLC takes one of the following actions:
- Create: A new OCLC record is created, and PUL’s holdings are updated on that record.
- Match: PUL’s holdings were updated on an existing OCLC record, but no metadata was transferred.
- Field Transfer: PUL’s holdings were updated on an existing OCLC record, and one or more fields eligible for metadata transfer were updated in the OCLC record (see the fields eligible for transfer below).
- Replace: PUL’s holdings were updated on an existing OCLC record that PUL originated, and the entire record was replaced with the new version of the record.
If a record failed validation or could not be disambiguated from similar records, the record is marked as Unresolved. The errors found with unresolved records are documented in another report (BibExceptionReport).
Errors are grouped by level of severity: MINOR, SEVERE, and CRITICAL.
MINOR errors include invalid repeated fields, fields with incorrect length, invalid subfield codes, and other MARC format issues. These errors do not prevent OCLC from processing the record and setting holdings; they are informational.
SEVERE and CRITICAL errors prevent OCLC from processing the incoming record and setting holdings. SEVERE errors include invalid indicators in key fields and repeated 245 or 010 fields. CRITICAL errors include invalid data in the leader and 008 field.
Fields Eligible for Transfer
050 | Library of Congress Call Number (R) |
055 | Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada (R) |
060 | National Library of Medicine Call Number (R) |
070 | National Agricultural Library Call Number (R) |
080 | Universal Decimal Classification Number (R) |
082 | Local Call Number (R) |
083 | Additional Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R) |
084 | Other Classification Number (R) |
085 | Synthesized Classification Number Components (R) |
086 | Government Document Classification Number (R) |
090 | Local Call Number (R) |
092 | Local Call Number (R) |
505 | Formatted Contents Note (R) |
508 | Creation/Production Credits Note (R) |
511 | Participant or Performer Note (R) |
520 | Summary, Etc. (R) |
600 | Subject Added Entry─Personal Name (R) |
610 | Subject Added Entry─Corporate Name (R) |
611 | Subject Added Entry─Meeting Name (R) |
630 | Subject Added Entry─Uniform Title (R) |
648 | Subject Added Entry─Chronological Term (R) |
650 | Subject Added Entry─Topical Term (R) |
651 | Subject Added Entry─Geographic Name (R) |
655 | Index Term─Genre/Form (R) |
856 | Electronic Location and Access (R) |
Processing OCLC Reports
Records in the BibProcessingReport that passed validation with no errors above MINOR severity are updated in Alma through an external job to add a 914 field to each record. The 914 field contains the definitive OCLC number and the action taken.
Records in the BibException report are updated in Alma through an external job to add a 915 field for each error to each record. The 915 field contains the level of severity and the specific error found.
A data quality group will review and resolve the validation errors listed in the 915 field (mainly SEVERE or CRITICAL errors). Once resolved, staff will delete the 915 field. The resolved records will be picked up by the Data Sync publishing job when all 915 fields are deleted.
OCLC WorldCat Updates
In Jan 2024, Princeton University Library automated a process to receive updated records when records with PUL holdings in WorldCat were enhanced. Note that automated record updates were suspended indefinitely as of Mar 4, 2024. The following documents the settings and processes that were configured in WorldShare Collection Manager and Alma.
Process Run Times
Schedule | Description | Process Name |
Tuesday 10:00 pm EST/EDT | Eligible records are captured in Alma and sent to OCLC as the first step of the DataSync process. Done by a Publishing Profile which is pointed a logical set Records eligible for DataSync | Publishing Profile: Datasync export without Inventory |
Wednesday 5:00 am EST/EDT | When OCLC Master Records are merged into other OCLC records, Alma’s OCLC numbers are updated. | Import Profile: WorldShare Record Update: "merge" files |
Wednesday 7:00am EST or 8:00am EDT | Processes DataSync Exceptions: downloads BibException reports from OCLC-sftp, creates a Marc Collection with individual records for each MMS ID, and uploads the file with the Marc Collection to lib-sftp, in preparation for further processing by Alma. Done by lib_job. Results in 915 fields. | lib_job: Datasync Exceptions |
Wednesday 7:30am EST or 8:30am EDT | Processes DataSync Updates: downloads BibProcessing reports from OCLC-sftp, creates a Marc record for each MMS ID, and uploads the file with the Marc records to lib-sftp, for ingest into Alma. Done by lib_job. Results in 914 fields. | lib_job: DataSync Processed |
Thursday 3:00 am EST / 4:00 am EDT | Triggered by the 'alma_bib_norm' lib_job: moves OCLC number from 914 to 035 field using the normalization process PUL-BIBNorm. Done by Repository Job (via API). | Repository Job: Unprocessed Datasync 914 fields |
See Also
- Princeton-Defined MARC Fields (9XX) > Local Fields: 914 and 915
- Cataloging & Inventory Management Training Module 15: OCLC Data Sync - Common Validation Errors
- Cataloging and Metadata Services (CaMS) > Policies and Procedures > Local Procedures > Correct Mismatched OCLC Control Numbers