Record Actions: Alma vs Voyager

Major differences

Lock: Records you bring into the Metadata Editor (MDE) are locked for you alone to edit; multiple people cannot edit the same record simultaneously.

If a record is currently in the MDE of one Alma user, and another user tries to bring the same record into the MDE, the record will display with a View Only badge and indicate that it is locked by [University ID]

See also Save and Release Records - Unlock by the system

Two panes: The MDE window is divided into the left and right (main) panes.

  • The Left Pane displays records list, templates, and normalization rules.
  • The Main Pane displays the content of the record for editing.

Tabs and sub-tabs: Bibs and holdings are listed in the Left Pane and organized under separate sub-tabs.

Close a record is to minimize it from view in the Main Pane; the record remains in MDE.

Release a record is to release it from MDE when you are done, meaning the record is unlocked and another cataloger can bring it to MDE for editing. It is similar to closing a record in Voyager except for the latter's lack of locking/unlocking function.

Editor split mode: Unlike Voyager's Tile function, the MDE can only display up to two records (or a record and a rule) side-by-side in the Main Pane. Other open records will be minimized in the Left Pane.

Record actions



Record list

(No. 2-3, 9)

1. Open records are listed in the Left Pane of MDE, organized by tabs and sub-tabs.

Bib and holding records are listed under separate sub-tabs.

1 Open records are listed under menu Windows.

2. The records are locked for you to edit. Other people can't edit them but they can find and see the records in Search view, unless it is a new record you have just created in draft or imported by Search Resources and haven't saved.

2 The records are not locked for any single cataloger.

Save record

1. Save Record: your latest version is saved to Princeton's repository and synced in Search view.

1. Save to DB

2. The records remain locked for you.

2. The records are not locked.

Save and release a record

  • Best practice

1. Save and Release Record

The record is saved and released from MDE.

1. Save to DB and Close

2. The record is no longer listed in the Left Pane of MDE.

2. The record is no longer listed under menu Windows.

3. It can now be edited by another person.

Recommended practice:

either Save and Release Record - the best practice

or Save Record, if you’re still working on the record and want to keep it locked

Save draft

  • Not recommended

1. Save Draft

The record is saved as draft in the MDE. You are the only person who can see this latest version.

1. Save (to local disk)

2. The records remain locked for you because they are still in MDE.

2. The records are not locked for any single cataloger.

3. Drafts are deleted if they have not been modified for 30 days.

Release a record

1. Release Record: the record is released from MDE and can be edited by another person.

1. Close a record

2. You do not receive a direct reminder of unsaved changes, though you are required to confirm the Release.

Changes made since your last Save Record will be lost.

2. If there are unsaved changes, a pop-up window alerts you, giving you an option to cancel and save first before closing.

3. The record is no longer listed in the Left Pane of MDE.

3. The record is no longer listed under menu Windows.

Release one or more records at once

(no. 7)

1. Release All Records listed under the current tab in Left Pane

You can Search in list and filter records by words from the record title. Only the filtered records will be released.

1. Menu: File > Close All

2. When you use the Release All Records button from the Left Pane, you do receive a direct reminder that unsaved changes will be lost if you proceed.

2. You receive an alert for every record with unsaved changes.

Close a record

(no. 17)

Close a record from the Main (right-hand) Pane of MDE

The record is still in MDE and can be reopened for editing, thus akin to minimizing a record in Voyager.

Minimize a record

Editor split mode

(no. 8)

Display a maximum of two records side-by-side in the Main Pane

Tile two or more records