Suppress or Delete Records

Suppress a record from displaying in Blacklight

In the MDE, select the menu option Record Actions > Suppress from Discovery (Alt+Shift+S)

Note that suppression takes effect even without saving the record.

The suppressed record will appear in Alma search results with an icon to its left that looks like an eye with a slash through it:

The record will not display in Blacklight.

Suppress from Discovery differs from the other option, Suppress from External Search, which is to exclude a record from being retrieved by SRU/SRW searches.

Delete a bib record in the MDE

Select the menu option Record Actions > Delete Record (Ctrl+D)


To delete bibliographic records, you must have the role of Cataloger Extended.

Assign a bib/holdings record to another cataloger

Check out demonstration in video recording

See Cataloging & Inventory Management Training Modules 3: Cataloging, Part 2 (time stamp 54:15 - 55:35)

Suppose your unit has a designated person to delete records -

1) Select the menu option Record Actions > Assign Record to Another Cataloger

Your colleagues' names are ordered by last name in the drop-down list. (You won't find your own name in there.)

2) Click on the name of the designated staff member, leave a note, and press Assign To.

Best practice: Send a separate email from your Outlook. The pop-up window shows the option Send as Email, but as of 07/14/2021 the feature has not been configured to work properly.

The record will appear in your colleague's Record List in the Left Pane of the MDE next time they log in or refresh the Record List, displaying the badge Assigned

The icon for note in the record header opens your note, which can also be opened from the menu option View Related Data > View Notes

Restore deleted records

A Repository Manager can restore repository records that were manually deleted on the Manage deleted repository page. Visit -

Resources > Advanced Tools > Manage Deleted Repository

You can restore a single deleted record by ID or enter criteria to match a list of records that were deleted.


To restore deleted records, you must have the role Repository Manager.


Ex Libris Knowledge Center > Suppressing Alma Records from Primo

Ex Libris Knowledge Center > SRU/SRW Search

Ex Libris Knowledge Center > Restoring Deleted Records