Search and Sets

Search and Sets

A core function in Alma is its search: many activities begin with a search, and a search can produce a tremendous amount of useful information to be exported.

What can you search in Alma?

Depending on your user role(s), you can search many items in Alma's repository, including:

1) Metadata records compiled by Ex Libris or local to your institution or collaborative network. These records include:

  • Local inventory, including holdings for physical items, electronic portfolios, and digital representations and files
  • Bibliographic titles, including top-level collections, physical titles, electronic collection and portfolio titles, and digital titles
  • Authority records

What can you not search in Alma?

The resources of PUL's ReCAP partners are not indexed by Alma. Blacklight is still the search tool you would use for retrieving metadata of those materials in ReCAP.

2) Depending on your role, you can also search for:

  • Patron requests
  • Courses
  • Deposits
  • Users
  • Acquisitions information, including PO lines, funds, invoices, vendors, and licenses
  • Reading lists
  • Reading list citations
  • Borrowing Requests
  • Lending Requests


Training and practice

Cataloging & Inventory Management Training Module 2: Cataloging, Part 1


Ex Libris Knowledge Center > What You Can Search For