Browse Shelf Listing

The Browse Shelf Listing allows you to browse Princeton's repository by call number (stored in holdings or item records) from within the Metadata Editor.

Clicking on the hyperlinked Description or Level columns in the results list opens bib or inventory records in the MDE.

Open the Browse Shelf Listing

There are three ways to open the Browse Shelf Listing:

  • From the Main Menu (vertical bar), choose Resources > Cataloging > Browse Shelf Listing
  • From within the MDE, select menu option Search & Browse > Browse Shelf Listing
  • From within the MDE, use keyboard shortcut Alt + C
    • When the cursor is in the field 050 or 090, Alt + C opens Browse Shelf Listing and populates its Call Number box with the classification number from $a

Additionally, Browse Shelf Listing is linked from an item record when you have it open in Physical Item Editor.


The following options appear:

  • Call Number Level
  • Call Number Type
  • Call Number
  • Library
  • Location

Call Number Level

Select an option from the Call Number Level drop-down list:

  • Holdings call number: This provides holdings-level record links in the results list. This is the default option.
  • Item call number: This provides item-level record links in the results list.
  • Temporary call number: This provides item-level record links in the results list.
  • All: This option provides blended results of all the call number options in the drop-down list. Both holdings-level and item-level record links appear in the results list.

Call Number Type

Select the call number type from the available options in the drop-down list. The call number type that you select determines how the call number information is sorted and appears (is normalized) in the shelf list. Princeton mainly implements the following two categories of call number schemes -

  • Library of Congress classification (852 0#)
  • Other Scheme (852 8#), which you will choose for non-LC call numbers in use at PUL. Examples include the AbIDs of Special Collections, legacy Richardson call numbers, and Harvard-Yenching call numbers.

Library and Location

Optionally, select a Library from the Library drop-down list

You may also make your shelf list browse more granular by selecting a Location within the Library.

Call Number

Enter a full or partial left-aligned call number for the Call Number parameter.

Click Go

Results List

The following content appears in the Browse Shelf Listing results list:

  • The matching entry
  • The rest of the entries after the matching entry

The results list is formatted with the following columns of information, allowing you to open bibs and inventory records for editing.

  • Call Number
  • Description: click to bring the bib record into the MDE
  • Library/Location
  • Level: click to bring the inventory record into the MDE

Compare: Browse by call number in Voyager

Search interface

Results list