Fulfillment Notes and Pieces Count

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Adding a Fulfillment Note when Loaning an Item

Fulfillment notes are a pop-up note that appears when an item is loaned or returned. In Voyager, you might add a status like Circ Review or Catalog Review, or add a pop-up note. In Alma, we recommend using a Fulfillment note.

To add a fulfillment note when loaning an item:

  1. Once the item is charged and viewable in the Loans of current session, click the item’s barcode to access the item record.
  2. Click on the Notes tab.
  3. Add a note in the Fulfillment note field. For example, “Circulation Review. Give to Sara when returned.” 
  4. Click the Save button when finished. This should return you to the patron record. Please do not remove any previous notes in the field, such as pieces counts.

Pieces Counts

In Voyager, the pieces count field would generate an automatic pop-up if the value was greater than one. In Alma, the pieces count field in the item record does NOT generate a pop-up. You must also create a fulfillment note about the pieces count. This will create the pop-up note.  Therefore, to add a pieces count notification, or to edit pieces count, you will need to update two fields in the item record.

  1. First, use the search type Physical items, and locate your item.
  2. In the results list, find the item you’re looking for and click “edit item” on the right side of the search result.
  3. In the “General” tab, update the pieces field. This will be numerals only.
  4. In the “Notes” tab, add a fulfillment note in the “functional notes” section. The text should read “Item consists of ___ pieces”, edited to reflect the correct pieces count. Click “save”.
  5. This note will pop up upon loaning and returning, and circulation assistants should count to make sure that all pieces are present before acknowledging the note.