Scan in items (discharging)

Please watch this video:

This video is about scanning in items, previously known as discharging in Voyager

You may have noticed a function called Return Items. Please note that we will not be using Return Items when processing returns because it doesn’t generate hold slips which are critical to our work. For circulation returns, please always use “Scan In Items”.

  1. Verify your current location, displayed in the upper right corner of every Alma screen. If the location is not showing, check Always Show Current Location. In addition, verify that Enable Quick Printing is checked to ensure that transit or hold slips will print correctly.
  2. Select Fulfillment and then select Scan In Items (which is located under Resource Requests). We suggest that you star and pin this function since you’ll be using it regularly. 
  3. Scan the book’s barcode into the Scan Item Barcode field.
  4. Information about the discharged item will display below including the destination which may be simply “Reshelve in your collection.”
  5. Watch for any pop-ups or notifications on where an item should be sent, and route as indicated.
  6. Pay attention to items with pop-up note about pieces count. It is important to verify that all pieces are present before you click Confirm to complete the discharge. If all pieces are not present, click Cancel and set it aside.  
  7. For lost items, when you scan in the item, an information message in blue will pop up on the upper right corner of the screen to alert you that the lost item has been checked in (please note this removes the lost status). If you did not have a chance to read the message, click on the small blue info icon to display the message again. Place a lost/missing flag in the item and put it aside for further processing.
  8. For missing items, a message pops up to alert you that the missing status has been removed. Place a lost/missing flag in the item and put it aside for review.
  9. For items that are headed to another library location, a transit (or route) slip will pop up. Select Print.
  10. For items with a hold, a hold slip printing dialogue will pop up when using Scan In Items. Click print and a hold slip will print. The patron name and hold expires date will appear at the top. Fold the slip lengthwise and place the slip in the book for shelving onto the Hold Shelf.
  11. If you need to print another hold slip, click on the ellipsis (…) on the far right of the item information listed below. Select Print Hold Slip. 
  12. When you’re finished discharging, Click the Exit button at the top right.