Missing Status

Please watch this video:

Mark an Item as Missing

Use this workflow if staff are not able to locate an item on the shelf that should be there.

You will only be able to mark items as missing for items at the library you've selected under current location (upper right of screen).

  1. Use the search type Physical Titles, and locate your item. You must use a Physical Titles search. You can't toggle missing status from the item search results.
  2. In the results list, find the title you're looking for and click on Items below the Physical tab information, or choose Items from the row action item list icon (the ellipsis).
  3. Find the item to be marked missing, click on the row action item list icon, and select Toggle Missing Status.
    1. If your current location is different from the library that the item belongs to, you can't mark it missing. Make sure you're "at" the correct location.
    2. You also can't mark an item as missing if the item status is Item not in place.
  4. In the List of items, the Process Type column for your item now says Missing.
  5. To remove the missing status, repeat this process and select Toggle Missing Status again. The item Status will be Item in place and there will be no Process Type.