Items - Edit Fields

Open an item record for editing

1) Conduct a Physical Items search to retrieve the record of interest

2) Click the hyperlinked Barcode or the Edit Item button to open the record in the Physical Item Editor for editing

If you have selected a different search type in Step 1, you will have to view the List of Items first before you can access the hyperlinked Barcode or the Edit option under the ellipsis icon

3) Click Save when changes are complete

If you are in the Physical Item Editor in a free-text field, you can just hit the Enter key and it will save the item. This does not work if you're in a controlled field (like a dropdown or date picker).

Field values

Fill in or edit these fields when creating new or duplicating item records

Tab: General


Copy ID

Leave blank. Add if 2 or higher. Migrated records have values -- if Duplicating remove

Material Type

Leave blank if creating new. Migrated records have values -- if Duplicating leave value

Item Policy

Use Gen when receiving and cataloging.

Is Magnetic

Leave blank if creating new. Migrated records have values -- if Duplicating remove

PO Line

Ignore, if not applicable.

Enumeration A

Use for 1st (highest) enumerator value (e.g., vol.)

Enumeration BUse for 2nd enumerator value (e.g., no.)–-Serials Acquisitions

Chronology I

Use for 1st (highest) chronological value

Description (Generate)

System or user-generated description based on entries in the Enumeration and Chronology fields above. Select Generate to have Alma enter the Description.


Leave blank. Add if 2 or higher. 
If 2 or higher you MUST also add a note in the NOTES tab FULFILLMENT NOTE with this exact phrase: Item consists of _ pieces.
Edited to reflect the correct pieces count. This will ensure that a pop-up displays when the item is checked OUT and IN at Circulation desks.


Migrated records have values -- if Duplicating remove

Inventory Number

For items going to HOLD enter/allocate an inventory number

Permanent location

Select the permanent library and library location. Prepopulates with location from Holdings.


May be used when Enumeration A, B and Chronology I are applied (Serials Acquisitions).

Tab: Notes

When duplicating record ALL notes that do not apply to item in hand should be removed.

Public Note

Used by Fulfillment staff. Will display to patron in their Library Account

Fulfillment Note

Use for Pieces count “Item consists of _ pieces. Used by Fulfillment staff for CIRC REVIEW, etc.

Internal Note 1

Use for item specific general notes. E.g. Item has some water damage.

Internal Note 2

Internal Note 3

Migrated records has the Technical Migration note.

Statistics Note 1

Statistical categories from Voyager migrated to this note (e.g. BB, Bag/Box, Deacidified, RBSC_Conservation)

Statistics Note 2

Digitization source

Statistics Note 3

Disposition of item

Item records are not locked

While the MDE requires a user to release a bib or holdings record before another user can edit it, two users can edit the same item record at once.

The item record will not be locked for editing to a single user. 

In the small-probability event that an item is open by two Alma users simultaneously for editing, whoever saves the record later overwrites the other's editing.

The History tab of an item record displays editing history by timestamp and Princeton ID.

You can't restore a previous version of the item record with a single click, but you can copy/paste a previous value into the appropriate field in the item record should you need to restore certain data.

Change item location

Let's take a look at MMS ID 99918183506421 .

In Voyager, one holdings 102868 with two items attached, both copy 1.  This is the Alma model:

Open the item record of your choosing. Under the location information section, change the Permanent location to the item's new location.

When the confirmation message pops up, select Confirm.

Now you should see 2 holdings: 22133313300006421 (original) and 22479639610006421 (new).

Bring Repository Search Results Into Editors (Hands-on practice)

Open Bib and Inventory Records From Editors