Viewing a patron record

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View a Patron Record

  1. Verify your Current Location in the upper right corner
  2. Go to Fulfillment  >> Manage Patron Services
  3. Scan the patron’s barcode
  4. The Patron Services page displays the following core patron information:
  • Patron name
  • Active balance (of the patron’s fines/fees)
  • ID (Institution ID)
  • User group
  • Notes, including the number of items for pickup (on hold shelf) and any overdue items

Viewing Loans and Renewing

  1. The Loans tab is selected by default
  2. The Loan Display filter defaults to Loans of this session, showing items loaned to the patron in the current session
  3. To see all of the patron's loans, including the current session, click on Loan Display and select All Loans
  4. A green check mark next to a loan means there is a note on the record
    1. Click a green check mark to see the note.
    2. If you did this, return by clicking the < back button to the left of "Loan Notes"
  5. To change the details of the loans display, click on the Gear icon to the right of the "Renew" links. Any changes you make persist for your login so you'll see them each time you log into Alma
  6. Select Renew All to renew all items that the patron currently has on loan. Or select individual items for renewal by checking the boxes next to each title, then click the Renew Selected link.
  7. The Return Items tab allows you to return patron loans while staying within the patron record.

Viewing Requests

To view a patron's requests, click on the 'Requests" tab. You can view the full list of requested items, or limit the results by using the search box at the top of the page, or selecting a Request Type or Task in the filter drop down menus.

Viewing Notes

Click the “Edit Notes” link under “User notes” to add or view patron notes. If there are no notes for the patron, the link is Add Note. The link is Edit Notes if there are between one and five notes. If there are more than five notes, the link is More User Notes Exist.

View a Patron's Fines or Fees

  1. In the header area, click on the dollar value next to Active Balance, which takes you to User Details
  2. Click the Fines/Fees tab if you are not already on that tab
  3. For a long list of fines or fees, you can search or limit the list:
    • Use the list search bar to search by Title
    • Choose a Fine/Fee type to filter to card renewals, lost item processing fees, etc.
    • Choose a Status to filter by fine/fee status (e.g., Closed)

Additional Information

Click on the User ID to go to User Details. Any dog-eared tabs contain information. You can view notes, general information like expiration date, and contact information. Click "done" on the far top right of the page to close a patron record.