Items - Change Holdings (Relink)

Merge Bib/Holdings/Items with Another Bib

To merge an entire bib (along with its holdings/items) with another bib, use Merge Records and Combine Inventory instead.

Change to Another Holding on the Same Bib

1) Conduct an All/Physical Titles search in the repository for the bib that contains the item to be moved

2) From the results list, click Items to open the List of Items

3) Select the item(s) using the checkboxes

4) Click Manage Selected and choose Change Holdings

Note that the terminology differs from Voyager, which uses Relink Item to a Different Holding.

The List of Holdings appears.

5) Click on the radio button of the destination holdings record you will move the item to.


Are you able to see the radio buttons? If not, the second column may be too narrow. Drag its edge to the right until the buttons are revealed.

The second column may be too narrow.

Drag its edge to the right...

Until the radio buttons are revealed for selection

6) Press Select

You will receive the confirmation that the selected item(s) have been successfully moved to another holdings record.

7) To review the result of the move, click the View all Holdings link.

8) Update the $t of 852 to match the Copy IDs of items attached to the destination holdings record.

For example, if the holdings now includes copy 1 and 2, mark $t 1-2 in the holdings record. The updated range will display in the List of Holdings.

9) Delete holdings with zero items

Relink to Another Bib

To relink an item to another or new holding on a different bib:

1) Make note of the record IDs of the destination bib and holding to which you will move the item

Tip: Copy and paste the MMSID of the destination bib to a Notepad, for use in Step 7)

2) Conduct an All/Physical Titles search in the repository for the bib that contains the item to be moved

3) From the results list, click Items to open the List of Items

4) Select the item(s) using the checkboxes

5) Click Manage Selected and choose Relink to another bib

6) Click Select Bibliographic record > Select from a list

A window titled Repository Search pops up

7) Conduct a repository search for the target bib, using the MMS ID

8) Click anywhere on the bib from the result

The list of holdings for that bib appears.

9) Move the item to an existing holding or a new holding

A. To move the item to an existing holding

Click on the radio choice for the holding and click the Select button

Remember to update holdings summaries on the holdings of both bibs, if necessary.

B. To move the item to a new holding

B-1. Create the new holding first

Click Add new holdings

The MDE will open in a new blank holdings.

Add the 852 and then Save & Release the record

Exit the MDE. You are back to the window Relink items to another Bibliographic record

B-2. Select the new holding as destination

Your new holding is now in the Select Holdings list.

Click the radio choice for the new holding

Press Select

10) If the item being moved has been the last item on the original holding, the system will provide a list of options for the original holding (suppress, delete, do nothing).

Best practice: delete the itemless holdings record.