Edit Scanned Resource Form
Edit Scanned Resource Form
Video Demo
- To be used for MVW child/surrogate ingest or when non-ephemera items are ingested to Figgy without being assigned a Source Metadata identifier.
Source Metadata ID
- Bibliographic ID (MMS) or Component ID (Finding Aids) added here to hook descriptive metadata to item in Figgy.
Refresh metadata from PULFA/Catalog
- If checked, the descriptive metadata from finding aids/alma will be refreshed in Figgy once “save” is clicked in Figgy.
Set visibility by Date Created
- If checked, items will be marked as private or open visibility (depending on date/U.S. copyright of item).
- Space to select one or many collections that the item belongs to. Setting the collection also pushes items with Open or Princeton Only visibility to created DPUL Collections.
- Learn more: Ephemera Projects Versus Figgy Collections - What's the difference?
Rights Statement
- Space to set Rights statement. Default is: “Copyright Not Evaluated”
Notice Type
- To be set by Librarians for their Ephemera Projects in Figgy.
- Notice Types for Alma Finding Aids, please contact DSSG.
Local Identifier
- Erm… this could be helpful/is helpful for people in different ways. Example: Sheide numbers versus shelf numbers/mms ids.
Holding Location
- Please select what library/collection holds the item (not ReCAP)
PDF Type
- Color is the default. Users can turn off PDF option/download access to users here.
User Downloads
- “Public” is the default. Users can turn off/make public user downloads here.
OCR Language
- Sets the OCR language for the item (NOT the MVW). A keyword search box will activate in the viewer once set.
Portion Note
- Add portion information here, if entire document/folder/etc is not digitized.
Navigation Date
Embargo Date
- Set for in copyright/encumbered items that will go live by a certain date. Once set, the item’s visibility will automatically switch from Private to Open after embargo date.