FAQs: Issues in Figgy and DigitalPUL (DPUL)
FAQs: Issues in Figgy and DigitalPUL (DPUL)
Table of Contents
Descriptive metadata issues
The metadata is incorrect in the DPUL/Figgy/Online Catalog record.
- Any corrections requests for MARC/catalog records may be sent to: catalogn@princeton.edu (anything NOT electronic)
- Anything related to electronic access or resources, even if it is in a catalog record, send to: esupport@princeton.edu
- Any corrections requests for EAD/Finding Aids: click on “suggest a correction” within the finding aid component itself.
- If an item is described in an exhibition in DPUL incorrectly (in a curators note, or text within and exhibition, for example), please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea) and/or the exhibition curator listed in the left hand column on the “About” pages within the exhibit.
The wrong metadata is associated with an item in Figgy and/or DPUL.
- Please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea), and provide a link to the item in figgy.
There is more than one item that comes up in a search with the same bibliographic ID/Finding aid Component ID in Figgy.
- Please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea) or Roel Munoz (rmunoz@princeton.edu / Slack: Roel) and provide a link to the figgy search.
Images or Viewer issues
The images are oriented incorrectly in the viewer, pages are askew and/or missing in Figgy.
- Please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea) or Roel Munoz (rmunoz@princeton.edu / Slack: Roel) and provide a link to the figgy/online catalog/DPUL URL, along with a description as to what is wrong with the images.
The Viewer is not displaying in DPUL/Online Catalog/Finding Aids for items that have been marked open and are complete.
- Please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea) and/or ping the public Slack #digital_library Channel.
Figgy/DPUL Functionality
Order and/or Structure Manager is moving slowly or not working as it usually does.
- Please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea) or ping the public Slack #digital_library Channel.
Widget Functionality in DPUL is not working as expected or appears broken.
- Please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea) or ping the public Slack #digital_library Channel.
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