Collections and DPUL URLs in Figgy
Collections and DPUL URLs in Figgy
Table of Contents
Also See Demo
Creating a Collection in Figgy
- Go to figgy.princeton.edu
- Log in by clicking the “Login” button in the upper right hand side of your screen. You will be prompted to enter your Princeton University NetID and Password.
- You will know you are logged in to figgy by looking at what was the Login button, in the upper right hand side of your screen. If you are logged in to figgy, you will see in place of “Login” your net id:
- Click on the blue “+” button, to the left of your net id. This will show you a variety of options to choose from. Select “Add a Collection"
- You will be brought to your new collection screen, with several fields to fill out:
- Title/Source Metadata ID: Type in the preferred name of your collection. If the collection corresponds to an archival collection, you can enter the collection ID in the Source Metadata ID box instead, and it will sync the collection title from Pulfalight.
- DPUL URL: enter a short name (lower case, no spaces, no special wingings) to be used for the DPUL exhibit if one is created
- Description: a brief description of what the collection is (or what it is for)
- Owners: Owners are emailed weekly, if there are ingested, pending items in need of review in figgy.
- Click save.
- You are done!
Adding repository content to Collections in Figgy
- Within the Figgy resource record, click on (depending on resource type) "edit scanned resource", "edit this ephemera folder", "edit this simple resource", or "edit this mapset" in the lower left of your screen.
- In “Collections” field of edit form, type the wanted Collection (It will come up in the dropdown of options) and hit enter OR click on the the name of the collection in your drop down. Once selected, a green checkmark will appear to the right of your collection name in the dropdown menu. You may continue this process if more than one collection is needed.
- Click “Save” in the right sidebar.
Can I add multiple collections to repository content in Figgy?
Did you know that you can add multiple collections to repository content? You can! This is one of the many ways we can reuse our content! One item in figgy may be assigned many collections to help tell stories with the same material. To do so, follow the directions under "Adding repository content to collections in figgy".
Can I batch add/delete a collection to a group of items within another collection?
Yes! You can batch add collections using the batch edit option for Figgy Collections.
Are Figgy Collections the same as Figgy Ephemera Projects?
Great Question! Figgy Collections and Figgy Ephemera Projects are similar in the fact that both are used as a way to add multiple items to a thematic grouping within Figgy and, if desired, DPUL. However, their functionality and what types of resources you can add to each differ significantly.
- Figgy Collections: Collections are created and used in Figgy to assign items to specific Sets that enhance search options within Figgy (via faceting to refine searches) and have Digital PUL (DPUL) exhibitions options with custom URLs. Collection tags can be added to repository resources (like scanned resources and scanned maps) and to ephemera items (called folders) within Ephemera Projects.
- Figgy Ephemera Projects: Ephemera Projects are distinct projects that can only house ephemera items (called folders) that are described directly within that project in Figgy. Collection tags may be added to folders within Ephemera Projects, but Ephemera Projects cannot be added to ephemera folders or non-ephemera items. Ephemera Folders also cannot be assigned to other Ephemera Projects outside of the Project they are within.
- Bulk edit options: are available for Collections, but not for Ephemera Projects.
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