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Books, Manuscripts, Scanned Documents, and CDs

  • Scanned Resource

    • Add New: Adds a new record in Figgy, enabling ingest of items with bibliographic ids, Finding Aid Component ids, and title only (linking to no external metadata source.
    • Bulk Ingest: Adds one or more individual, multi-volume, or mixed resources. Files selected must be contained in a parent directory.

Maps and Geospatial Data

  • Scanned Map

    • Scanned Maps are print maps that have been digitized. Many of these maps are historic, allowing researchers to compare past geographic boundaries and names with their modern counterparts. Princeton University Library has a strong commitment to scanning our print maps collection, so scanned maps are added to the portal on a regular basis.

    • Resource ex:

  • Raster Resource (aka bitmaps)

    • Raster is another model of GIS data where geospatial data is represented as a matrix of cells and each contains an attribute value. Satellite image, elevation, land cover data, etc. are usually stored in raster data format. The spatial resolution of data depends on pixel/cell size. Higher resolution raster data has smaller pixels and a larger file size.

    • Resource ex:

  • Vector Resource

    • Vector Data is one model of GIS data where geospatial data is represented in three different geometry types such as points, lines, and polygons and all the attribute values associated with the data are linked to each geometry. For example, locations of bus stops, schools, and other points of interest could be represented by points, road networks and rivers could be represented by lines, and property, country, city, and census boundaries could be represented by polygons.


  • Forthcoming


  • Collection

    • created and used in Figgy to assign items to specific Sets that enhance search options within Figgy (via faceting to refine searches) and have Digital PUL (DPUL) exhibitions options with custom URLs.

  • Archival Media Collection

    • Forthcoming

Media Reserves

  • Recording

    • Forthcoming




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