Ephemera Projects in Figgy

Ephemera Projects in Figgy

This document will walk you through Princeton University Library’s Ephemera workflow for Figgy and best practices used to prepare metadata (and its corresponding digital surrogates) for ingest into PUL’s digital repository. If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate contacting us or your knowledgeable Figgy team coordinator! 

Table of Contents

Metadata specifications for items defined as Ephemera

Metadata for Ephemeral items are records created in Figgy, PUL’s digital repository, after physical processing of the materials is complete and before photography/digitization commences. Once items are determined to be treated as ephemera, please contact us for help with your project's setup in Figgy and follow PUL's recommendations for metadata entry and review.

Steps to add metadata after physical processing (within Figgy forms or PUL-provided template)

All fields highlighted in orange are required fields for data entry.

  • Barcode (required) – The Unique Project identifier for each item (examples include a barcode or a digital/external project- assigned unique identifier) should be added here.

    • The Unique Project identifier for each item should match the directory name of the scanned images for that item. 

    • Why is this important to me and my collection? We in IT depend on our collections managers and subject specialists (like you!) to help us connect your images to the correct metadata in our digital repository. If your unique identifier for the metadata matches the unique identifier for the item that was digitized, then we know how to match the digital images to your metadata!

  • Box Number – at the volume or box number.

  • Folder (required) – add the Original Reference Number.

  • Title (required) – of the item as printed. If the item is in a non-Roman script language, add the original language script.

    • Helpful hint: A Sort title field will automatically be added in Figgy for this item that matches the title.  

    • A note on capitalization if the title is in English: As with Library of Congress convention, please capitalize the first letter of the title and any proper nouns contained within.

  • Alternative title – This field can be used if an item in native script  has the title in Roman letters. In such a case, the Romanized title would go in this field. A translated title may also be placed here.

  • Transliterated title – If the item is in a non-Roman script, transliterate the title in accordance with Library of Congress Romanization standards.

  • Language (required) – You can select more than one if it is a multilingual item.

  • Genre (required) – add one from the Figgy Genre Terms.

  • Width – Add in centimeters.

  • Height – Add in centimeters.

  • Page count (required) – Add page count.

  • OCR language – Add the dominant language of the item, if the item is printed.

    • Why can’t I add an OCR request to a manuscript/handwritten item? Our digital repository currently uses Tesseract for OCR generation. Standard OCR for contemporary printed materials works decently for many languages, but handwriting is a bit trickier, and does not generate reliable outputs.

  • Keywords

    • In some cases, you may need to use the keyword field to capture more intuitive Romanized versions of non-Roman script  titles or names. This adds a very helpful layer of discovery, so please try to imagine how a user will search for the item!

    • Formatting for Google Templates: Consistent formatting is important in the keyword field, so when adding a keyword, please check:

      •  that it has not already been added. If it is already there, please add it as currently formatted.

      • (if multiple keywords are added) that each keyword is separated by a semicolon (;) with zero spaces before or after each semicolon.

  • Series – Not applicable.

  • Creator – Add the name of the author or creator (if available on the item).

    • Add in the original script.

  • Contributor – If the name in the Creator field is in a non-Roman script language, provide the transliterated version of the creator here. 

    • You can add additional contributors if needed, e.g. if there is more than one author.

    • (if multiple contributors are added) ensure that each contributor is separated by a semicolon (;) with zero spaces before or after each semicolon. 

  • Publisher – Add as follows: City : Name of Publisher. If the item is in a non-Roman script, add in the original script. Add another field with Roman transliteration. 

  • Geographic origin (required) – Country of publication.

    • What is the difference between “Geographic origin” and “Geo Subject”? A great question! As an example:  an item may have been published in Spain, but it is about the climate in Germany. “Germany” would be the Geo subject.  “Spain” would be the Geographic origin.

  • Subject (required) – Add a maximum of 3 subjects from the controlled subject vocabulary

    • Subjects may be entered as the [main subject]--[sub-selection]. 

      • Ex: Religion–Catholic Church;Religion–Bible

    • (if multiple subjects are added) ensure that each subject is separated by a semicolon (;) with zero spaces before or after each semicolon (see example above). 

    • What if an important subject for my collection is not represented in any way? We try to stick to the controlled subject vocabulary that already exists in Figgy, but please contact fellow ephemera contributors in the #ephemera_projects Slack channel if there is a subject that needs to be added to the list.

  • Geo Subject – Add the country that the item is about. You can add more than one if needed.

    • What is the difference between “Geographic origin” and “Geo Subject”? A great question! As an example:  an item may have been published in Spain, but it is about the climate in Germany. “Germany” would be the Geo subject.  “Spain” would be the Geographic origin. 

    • Helpful hint: If there is a particular province that the item is about, you can add that too.

  • Description – Add a brief description of the item here. This can include your original description, description from the project, condition report, etc.

  • Date created – Provide the year only.

    • Why can’t I add days and months here too? This field should just include the year so that searchability is easier. There are other places where more detailed date information is more appropriate.

  • Date range start – Date range end – If you cannot identify an accurate date for the item, you can place a range here and check the “Date range is approximate” box.

  • Provenance (required) – For the items in collections that are a part of collaborations with other institutions, please add the name of the project and the present holding institution as you would like it seen in each item.

  • User Downloads –  Automatic Default to Public. However, most ephemera projects do not allow downloads. (removed from google template)

  • PDF Type – Automatic Default to Color. However, most ephemera projects do not allow downloads.  (removed from google template)

  • Holding Location – (removed from google template)

  • Rights Statement – Default to “Copyright not evaluated”. (removed from google template)

Metadata needs for digitization

The most efficient workflow for PUL is for descriptive metadata to be created prior to digitization. At minimum, there must be a unique identifier, such as a metadata management system ID or a Finding Aids component ID, connecting digitized content to a metadata record. Once Metadata for your project is complete, we are ready to commence on digitization! 

Metadata and image review in Figgy

Once metadata and corresponding images are ingested (or uploaded)  in Figgy, it is time for metadata and image review by our collaborators!

As a reviewer for my institution, what should I expect? 

Access to ingested metadata and corresponding image files will be provided by PUL IT to collaborators and asks for immediate attention from collaborators in the beginning of the project so that migration can commence with confidence. PUL IT will provide a guest NET ID and authorization for contributors to access Figgy for this purpose. Metadata and image approvals must be provided to PUL staff via email.

Princeton University Guest Accounts

When items are ready for review in Figgy, PUL IT staff will provide access via Princeton university net ids or sponsor Princeton University guest accounts for our collaborators. Once setup is complete, staff can then give access to Figgy and DPUL for the purpose of review and approval of collections in our applications. 

Steps to access Figgy

  • Sign into Figgy with the username/password provided: https://figgy.princeton.edu/

  • Authenticate with Duo Mobile (if needed).

  • Select the appropriate Figgy Ephemera Project (PUL will provide this to you) and click “View Boxes”.

  • Click “View” next to the box you would like to review.

  • Click “Edit” to modify and/or add metadata for each folder.

  • Once you have reviewed, filled out or edited all the pertinent fields, you click on the Save button. The View screen comes up and gives you the opportunity to proofread the data you entered or reviewed (and, if necessary, go back to the Edit mode to correct or modify the metadata).

Confirmation of review

Once review is complete, please email or ping in Slack your Librarian or Project IT contact to confirm completion of the review and approval of the metadata and Images or to report issues that need to be addressed by IT staff. 

Image file errors

If reviewers find errors in the ingested images prior to Final Acceptance, they  may require PUL IT to correct the errors or request new scans from the holding institution.

Communications & contact information

  • PUL Ephemera & Controlled Vocabularies Questions

  • PUL Digitization Best Practices Questions and Repository (Figgy) Ingest

  • PUL Project Management, Figgy and DPUL Application Questions

Additional resources

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