Reporting Ingest Issues

Reporting Ingest Issues

Library Patrons and Figgy Contributors have the opportunity to review digitized content in much greater detail than staff members involved in other important parts of the process. We depend on patrons and contributors to alert us to potential missing pages or volumes, duplicate pages, skewed images, and metadata issues that may have occurred during the digitization and/or ingest processes.

Table of Contents

Submitting reports for non-CDL items to IT staff

Please send reported Figgy ingest issues to Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu) and Roel Munoz (rmunoz@princeton.edu). Your email should include the following:

  1. Link to the item in Figgy. Example:
    1.  https://figgy.princeton.edu/catalog/238ea668-1fc2-4b68-9f0c-79ea146662b3
  2. Detailed explanation of the ingest issues 
    1. For missing pages: please list any and all pages affected. If the item is not paginated in Figgy, please give the image numbers. You will find the item’s image numbers by looking at the white pulldown box in the center top of the viewer or the image thumbnails on the left hand side of the viewer.   A screenshot has been provided for you here.
    2. For skewed, out of order, or mis-oriented pages: please list any and all pages affected. If the item is not paginated in Figgy, please give the image numbers. You will know if the item is paginated by looking at the white pulldown box in the center top of the viewer. A screenshot has been provided for you here.
    3. For metadata issues:
      1. If the wrong metadata is associated with an item in Figgy 
        1. Please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea), and provide a link to the item in figgy and the bibliographic ID the digital surrogate should be associated with.
      2. If the metadata is incorrect in the DPUL/Figgy/Online Catalog/FA record:
        1. Any corrections requests for MARC/catalog records may be sent to: catalogn@princeton.edu
        2. Any corrections requests for EAD/Finding Aids: click on “suggest a correction” within the finding aid component itself.
        3. If an item is described in an exhibition in DPUL incorrectly (in a curators note, or text within and exhibition, for example), please contact Kim Leaman (kleaman@princeton.edu / Slack: Kelea) and/or the exhibition curator listed in the left hand column on the “About” pages within the exhibit.
  3. The Library Department and/or Staff Member to contact by email when an item has been reviewed and corrected.

IT workflows for processing submitted reports of non-CDL items

  1. For incorrect metadata associated with an item in Figgy:
    1. Kim or Roel will review request and change bibliographic ID in figgy item accordingly. 
    2. Kim or Roel will email supplied contact, informing them what work was done (if any) and that the issue has been closed
      1. Include figgy URL
  2. For missing/skewed/out of order/incorrectly oriented pages:
    1. Kim or Roel will update spreadsheet with Bibliographic ID or the component ID, potential errors, the depositor, notes from the depositor, and whether or not the review and correction (if needed) of the item is complete.
    2. Kim or Roel will email supplied contact, informing them what work was done (if any) and that the issue has been closed
      1. Include figgy URL

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