Form Editor and Fixed Fields
Form Editor is used to edit the following fields
- Fixed fields: Leader and 008 in both bibs and holdings
- The 852 field in holdings
There are multiple ways to open the Form Editor:
- Place the mouse cursor anywhere in an applicable field
- Either press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F or
- Use the menu option Editing Actions > Open Form Editor
Move the mouse cursor to the end of an applicable field, press the ellipsis
to see the option for Open form editor, click on it
Bib record
The highlighted characters are generated by computer and not to be altered. You will edit other characters as needed.
Library of Congress > MARC format
Library of Congress > MARC format
Holding record
Holding records also display the LDR and 008 fields. Leave values in the default holding record template unaltered. Edit 852, 866, etc. as needed.
Leader - default value
LDR #####nu##a22#####un#4500
Library of Congress > MARC format
008 - default value
008 ######0u####8###0001uu###0######
Library of Congress > MARC format
852 location
Form Editor is convenient for entering $b Library and $c Permanent physical location, for which you can choose pre-defined values from drop-down lists.