Spine-O-Matic config
Spine-O-Matic config
For set up and use of the client, see: Spine Labels
Label prefix mappings from the client's "Label Prefixes" tab live in a single txt file, which is hosted here:
All clients should point to this single file. Note that Spine-O-Matic clients can point to it as https://library.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/ (without the filename)
We document revisions in alma-config: https://github.com/PrincetonUniversityLibrary/alma-config/tree/main/spine-o-matic
Updates are infrequent, but to make changes:
- Start with the current version of the file (links above)
- Make modifications (take care to avoid extra line breaks, spaces, etc.)
- Sign into the library web site: https://library.princeton.edu/user (write to lsupport or ask DAS if permissions are needed)
- Go to Content > Files (tab)
- Find aboveLabel.txt click "edit" and upload the modified file
- Create a PR for the modified file in alma-config