Spine Labels

Spine Labels

We are using the SpineOMatic Windows Application for spine labels. Contact Desktop Support (lsupport) to have it installed and configured. 

Note: we are not currently using the SpineOMatic cloud app, because it was found to be too limited in configuration options. 

SpineOMatic Configuration

SpineOMatic settings have been standardized, they should not be touched or need to be edited.  They are also stored globally and when changes or updates are required, Systems will push the new file out to everyone.

Below are some tips and minor troubleshooting options, if the program appears not to be working when you open it in the morning. Followed by the Standard setting tabs that should usually be there and not require any modifying.

First, do not try to open the SpineLabel program until 7:30am or after, this is to avoid complications with updates that are running in the background.

Then, once you do open the program, if you notice the library or locations are not appearing on your spine labels you should do the following:

Once you have clicked on the gray arrow and expanded the program to view the settings, check the following areas first:


If the Printer type is not the problem, you should check the Label Prefixes next. If you click on the label prefix tab and see nothing in the white window, that is more than likely the problem and below, outlines how to correct it.

Should always be the second radio button for “Use system file” and the URL is:


Once the URL is entered you do need to click “Download” – that will populate the white window. or repopulate the white window, with the proper prefixes, i.e. annex+doc=(Annex A).  

Library source must = <library_code>

Location source must = <location_code>


1. Print Setup - Should not be touched and should look exactly like screen shot above.

2. Call Number Format - Should not be touched and should look exactly like screen shot below.

3. Label Prefixes - Should not be touched and should look exactly like screen shot below.

Should always be the second radio button for “Use system file” and the URL is:


Once the URL is entered you do need to click “Download” – that will populate the white window. or repopulate the white window, with the proper prefixes, i.e. annex+doc=(Annex A).  

Library source must = <library_code>

Location source must = <location_code>

Important to note: If you had to “download”, you must also click “Save” and then “Load”.  You will also have to close out of the program for the new settings to take effect.

4. Current XML - Should never be or need to be touched. This will change with each barcoded that is scanned.


ALMA URL: https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com

Method: /almaws/v1/items?view=label&item_barcode={item_barcode}

API Key: ask System Administrators or write to lsupport

6. Reports - Should never be or need to be touched. This is for statistical purpose, details will vary.

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