Adding New Locations

New locations require a proposal and gathering of essential pieces of information. 

Procedure for Submitting a Proposal

Each location proposal must be documented in GitHub using an issue template in the alma-config repository. Please see this link to access the template (a GitHub account is required to create a ticket). The current template is represented below. When submitting a ticket, please fill in as much as you know. At the minimum, a summary of the proposal is needed; the Alma team can consult with you to fill out the rest of the values.

The Alma Governance Group is charged with reviewing new locations. When the checklist is complete, the proposal can then be submitted to the Alma Governance Group for review and approval.

Proposal Template

Summary of Proposal

Briefly, the need for the new location


  • Library:

  • Location Code:

  • Internal Name [for staff using Alma]:

  • External Name [for Blacklight and other public interfaces]:

  • Spine label code:

  • ReCAP location? If No, use N/A for the following four items:

    • New stop code [if so, must coordinate with HTC and ReCAP]?

    • Collection Group Designation [Private, Shared]:

    • Use restrictions [none, In Library Use, Supervised Use]:

    • Stop code to use:


  • Able to be requested when available?
  • Able to be requested when unavailable?
  • Where can items be picked up at [only owning library, all owning libraries]?

Loan rules

  • What item types will be used?
  • Do items circulate?
  • Circulation desk assigned [if ReCAP, this will be the Remote Storage Desk as well as the library's default Circulation Desk; for all others, it will be the library's default Circulation Desk]:
  • Any special loan rules [fixed loan period, restrictions by patron group, etc.]:
  • Will this location be used for placing orders?
  • Will items need to be transferred from an existing location to this new location?
  • Fulfillment unit assigned:

Blacklight considerations:

  • Should items display in Blacklight (will bibs and holdings be unsuppressed)?
  • Should items be requestable in Blacklight? If No please use N/A for the following three items:
    • ReCAP EDD:
    • Aeon:
    • Book pickup:
  • Are there any special considerations for Blacklight that may require feature development [e.g., making items always available even when the status is unavailable]?

Configuration Steps

The following steps by the Alma Tech Team, first in the sandbox and then in production:

  • Within the configuration menu choose the appropriate library for new locations to be added.

  • Navigate to Fulfillment > Physical Locations
  • “Add Location”

  • A form will display like the following.

  • Enter Code, [Internal] Name, External Name
  • If a ReCAP Location:
    • Type = “Remote Storage”
    • Remote Storage = “ReCAP remote storage”
  • Otherwise:
    • Type = “Open”
    • Remote Storage is left empty
  • Call number type = “Library of Congress classification”
  • Map is left empty
  • After saving it, open the new location and attach the appropriate circulation desk

Outside of Alma (after production review)

  • Create a feature request issue to bibdata repo
  • Update the Location Names and Codes page on Confluence
  • Update the Spine-o-matic configuration file aboveLabel.txt
  • Finally, add the location(s) to Stackmap