Moving a PO Line to a Different e-Collection
Use this procedure to move a PO line from one electronic collection to another. This may be useful in cases where a better match for a collection is found in the CZ after the original choice was made. If the desired collection is not yet active in the IZ, begin by activating it.
Update original collection record:
- Search in the IZ by Electronic Collection to locate the resource where the order is currently attached.
- Select Edit Collection to open the electronic collection editor.
- Select the General tab.
- From the Acquisitions and License Information section, copy the PO Line information, then delete it from this record.
- Click on Save at top right.
Update new collection record:
- Search in the IZ by Electronic Collection to locate the resource that the PO line should move to.
- Select Edit Collection to open the electronic collection editor.
- Select the General tab.
- In the Acquisitions and License Information section, enter the PO Line information that was copied.
- Click on Save at top right.
In cases where the originally chosen collection is not wanted, remember to delete it after the move is complete.
Official Ex Libris documentation for this procedure: How to move a POL to another electronic collection