Error Messages in Holdings Records

Error Messages in Holdings Records

In Alma, the default setting generates an error message when two holdings for the same bib have an identical 852 string. The error message reads "Holding for this title at this location already exists."

 Administrative documentation

As of 5/24/21, CAMS staff recommend downgrading the duplicate 852 from an error to a warning. 

New holdings

Adhere to the Alma record structure and allow only unique 852 text strings in separate holdings of a bib.

Legacy holdings migrated from Voyager

In the unlikely scenario where you open one of a modest number of legacy records which contain undifferentiating 852 strings, Alma may detect duplicate 852 and generate an error message -

852 Holding for this title at this location already exists

You have two solutions -

Add a $t with an appropriate numerical value so that this 852 differentiates from what is in other holdings records, then you will be able to Save and Release Record. It is not necessary to print a new call number label when you change the copy number in $t.

Alternatively, you may de-dup holdings to conform to the structure of Alma inventory records by relinking items from one holdings record to another.

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