Visibility Settings for Records in Figgy

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What are Visibility Settings in Figgy?

Visibility settings define who (and how) our users can access content in our multiple frontends, including the online catalog, Finding Aids, DPUL and our Maps Portal. Visibility is set or requested by our stakeholders at the record level, in the "edit scanned resource" form. Visibility is not set at the Collection Level.

Forms of Visibility in Figgy

Open Visibility

Open to the world. Anyone can view.


Restricted access. Only users logged in with a Princeton University NetID can view. 

On Campus

Restricted access. Users can only view on campus or VPN.

Reading Room

Restricted access. Only users who have been granted reading room permission in this application and are physically in an RBSC reading room can view. 


Only privileged users of Figgy can view within Figgy.Â