Abbreviations for "volume"
Abbreviations for "volume"
Updated Nov. 2023
In the catalog (bibliographic) record:
Transcribe v., vol., or volume as it appears in the source being cataloged. (RDA
In holdings and item records:
Use the abbreviation “vol.” regardless of where it appears.
Holdings example: 866 _0 |a Vol. 8-vol. 25 |
Item examples: Enumeration A: vol. 8 Enumeration A: New ser., vol. 17 Enumeration A: 2017, vol. 2 |
NOTE: This is a change from prior practice (following AACR2), which was to use “Vol.” only at the beginning of a statement, and “v.” everywhere else. That format continues to be valid for use in serial bibliographic records that were created following AACR2 rules.
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