Layout of the Metadata Editor
As with everything in Alma, the Metadata Editor's interface may change in big and small ways in each of its monthly release of new developments. As an example, compare how the Old Editor (13) differs from the current look of the Metadata Editor. The screenshot below was taken in May 2021 to help beginners understand the basic elements and layout of the MDE. Please consult as the basis for understanding the current interface.
1 Left Pane
The left pane lists bibliographical and holdings records that have been created or brought into the MDE from search results. It also lists templates and rules.
2 Tabs
Records: Contains the brief title information and record ID.
Templates: Contains the private and shared templates that enable you to create new records based on a template, or to insert constantly used fields into a record.
Rules: Contains the private and shared normalization, merge, indication, brief record level, and authority headings rules that you created, as well as any shared rules at PUL.
3 Sub-tabs
Each tab is divided into sub-tabs. For example, DC, MARC21 bibliographic, and holdings records are listed under separate sub-tabs.
4 Filter and sort list
For the lists under each tab, you can select the scope between Institution and Community Zone, and customize the sorting order.
5 Text filter
Enter text to filter the list of records, displaying only those records whose titles contain the text you have typed in.
To remove the filter, click the X in the box.
6 Refresh list
Click to refresh the list in the Left Pane, for example, when you notice the list is not up to date or not responding to mouse clicks as you switch tabs and sub-tabs.
7 Release displayed records list
Release all records in the list.
Alternatively, you can filter the list (5) and then release, and only the filtered records will be released.
8 Editor split mode
The Split Editor function separates the Main Pane (18) into two windows, allowing the side-by-side editing of two records or the display of other screens from menu operations, such as Browse Shelf Listing, Find Matches, etc. Follow the steps below to tile two records -
Step 1: In the records list (9), click the first of the two records to be tiled. The record opens in the Main Pane.
Step 2: Click the Editor split mode icon or press F6. The Main Pane splits into two windows.
Step 3: Click the second records to be tiled. It displays in the second window.
When two records are being tiled, only one record will be in focus. The header bar of the record in focus will be in blue, and the corresponding entry in the records list in the Left Pane will be highlighted in blue as well.
Click the record header bar to toggle the focus of the two records.
9 Records list
All your records will be listed in the Left Pane until you release them. They will remain locked and listed even after you exit the MDE or sign out of Alma.
10 (Un)pin records list
Toggles between pinning
and unpinning the Left Pane in place.11 Collapse/expand records list
Toggles between displaying
and hiding the records list.When you collapse the records list, you maximize the Main Pane - your working area for editing a record.
12 The menu ribbon
13 Link to the Old Editor - Do not use
14 Header bar of the record in the Main Pane
Record header: For MARC records, the header bar displays content from the field 245, the record ID, and other icons and badges.
One set of badges mirrors the tabs and sub-tabs where the record is listed, indicating what type of metadata you are viewing - whether it is a bib record, or a template for holdings record, etc.
One set of badges indicates the status of the record in relation to Princeton's repository - whether it is new and has not been saved, or has been saved to the MDE as draft, etc.
You may also see an icon level of cataloging as defined by rules in Alma.
that indicates the15 Auto-save
The auto-save function helps prevent changes from being lost if you navigate away from the MDE before saving the record.
The auto-save occurs every 30 seconds after a change is made. The time of latest auto-save displays when the mouse hovers over the icon.
16 History of the record
Displays timestamps and the cataloger's netID.
17 Close a record from the Main Pane
This minimizes a record from the Main Pane (it is still listed - thus locked - in the MDE).
18 Main Pane
Your working area for editing a record.
19 Alerts area
Displays errors and warning alerts, if an element in the record is invalid.
You won't be able to release a record if an error message (in red) appears - not until you correct it.
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