Personal names

Updated 08/2018

PUL Guidelines for NACO Personal Names

What is a person?

Person is defined by RDA as “an individual or an identity established by an individual, either alone or in collaboration with one or more other individuals”.

The following categories are considered a person (click to see example authority records)

Authority records


Core elements - should always be included.

Core elements - should be included if the person’s name is the same or similar to that of another person.

Mandatory elements - according to PUL policy

Should be included whenever possible - according to PUL policy

All fields need to be justified by information contained in the 670 field or in a ‡v .






‡f date of birth

‡g date of death

‡s start period

‡t end period

‡2 date scheme

RDA 9.3.2

RDA 9.3.3

RDA 9.3.4

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Use ‡2 edtf for all cases except centuries

Detailed edtf guidelines here

046 ## ‡f 1884-10-11 ‡g 1962-11-07 ‡2 edtf

100 1# ‡a Roosevelt, Eleanor, ‡d 1884-1962

046 ## ‡s -0199~ ‡2 edtf

100 0# ‡a Hellanicus ‡c (Grammarian), ‡d active approximately 200 B.C.

046 ## ‡s 17

100 1# ‡a Turner, Elizabeth, ‡d active 18th century


‡a classification number

LC classification numbers for literary authors.

Follow 053 submission guidelines.

053 #0 ‡a PS3557.R48998

100 1# ‡a Grimes, Martha

053 #0 ‡a PT2702.U336

100 1# Buddenkotte, Katinka, ‡d 1976-


‡a name

‡b numeration

‡c titles or other designations

‡d dates

‡q fuller form of name

RDA 9.2.2

RDA 9.3

RDA 9.4

RDA 9.5

RDA 9.6

Use romanized version if in non-Latin scripts.

100 1# ‡a Gustaf ‡b V, ‡c King of Sweden, ‡d 1858-1950

100 0# ‡a Thomas ‡c (Anglo-Norman poet)

100 1# ‡a Kalashnikov, S. D. ‡q (Sergei Dmitrievich)


‡c other designation

‡d title of a person

‡s start period

‡e end period

‡2 source of term

RDA 9.6

Core element for saints, spirits, fictitious characters and non-human entities.

Information recorded does not necessarily need to be part of the access point.

Record titles of royalty, nobility or religious rank in the form used in the access point.

Do not record occupations.

Only repeat the field if the vocabulary source differs.

100 1# ‡a Garland, Judy ‡c (Spirit)

368 ## ‡c Spirits ‡2 lcsh

100 1# ‡a Soraya, ‡c Princess

368 ## ‡d Princesses ‡2 lcsh

100 0# ‡a Keiko, ‡d approximately 1976-2003

368 ## ‡c Orca

368 ## ‡c Killer whale ‡2 lcsh

100 1# ‡a Potter, Harry ‡c (Fictitious character)

368 ## ‡c Fictitious characters ‡2 lcsh


‡a place of birth

‡b place of death

‡c associated country

‡e place of residence

‡f other associated place

‡s start period

‡t end period

‡2 source of term

RDA 9.8

RDA 9.9

RDA 9.10

RDA 9.11

Use NAF authorized access point. Record source in ‡2.

Repeat the field when needed for clarity (example: if terms are from different vocabularies or have other associated elements such as dates)

100 1# ‡a Muiña, Ana

370 ## ‡a Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands) ‡e Spain ‡2 naf

100 1# Chiarenza, Daniel Alberto

370 ## ‡a Buenos Aires (Argentina) ‡2 naf

370 ‡e Burzaco (Argentina)


‡a address

‡b city

‡c intermediate jurisdiction

‡d country

‡e postal code

‡m e-mail address

‡s start period

‡t end period

RDA 9.12

PUL policy is to not provide a person’s mailing or e-mail address.



‡a field of activity

‡s start period

‡e end period

‡2 source of term

RDA 9.15

What a person does or is interested in. Not to be confused with profession or occupation (374).

Prefer controlled terms from LCSH. Replace subfield coding for subdivision with two hyphens.

Only repeat the field if the vocabulary source differs.

100 1# ‡a Des Cars, Guy

372 ## ‡a Detective and mystery stories ‡2 lcsh

374 ## ‡a Authors ‡2 lcsh

100 1# ‡a Barret, Gilles, ‡d 1960-

372 ## ‡a Motion picture industry ‡2 lcsh

374 ## ‡a Economists ‡2 lcsh


‡a associated group

‡s start period

‡t end period

‡2 source of term

RDA 9.13

Prefer controlled terms from NAF

100 1# hooks, bell, ‡d 1952-

373 ## ‡a City University of New York ‡2 naf ‡s 1994


‡a occupation

‡s start period

‡e end period

‡2 source of term

RDA 9.16

Prefer controlled terms from LCDGT or LCSH.

Only repeat the field if the vocabulary source differs.

Do not include terms that denote gender, nationality, ethnicity, etc (example: use Dancers and not African American dancers; use Actors and not Actresses; use Novelists instead of Jewish novelists)

100 1# ‡a Hentig, Werner Otto von, ‡d 1886-

374 ## ‡a Diplomats ‡2 lcdgt

100 1# ‡a Miklauzic, Bence ‡a 1970-

374 ## ‡a Motion picture producers and directors ‡a Screenwriters ‡a Actors ‡2 lcsh



375  Gender  General    

Do not use this field in new authority records. Whenever an existing record must be changed for any reason, delete any occurrence of field 375.


‡a language code

RDA 9.14

Use MARC Code List for Languages

100 1# ‡a Santos, Antonio Furtado dos

377 ## ‡a por

100 1# Nandi, Jacinta, ‡d 1980-

377 ## ‡a ger ‡a eng


‡q fuller form of name

RDA 9.5

Record fuller form of name even if information already appears in access point

100 1# ‡a Kalashnikov, S. D. ‡q (Sergei Dmitrievich)

378 ‡q Sergei Dmitrievich

100 1# ‡a Guiles, Kay D.

378 ## ‡q Kay Dean

100 0# ‡a J. B. H. ‡q (James Barron Hope), ‡d 1829-1887

378 ## ‡q James Barron Hope

100 1# ‡a Luby, ‡c Miss ‡q (Catherine)

378 ## ‡q Catherine


‡a name

‡b numeration

‡c titles or other designations

‡d dates

‡q fuller form of name

RDA 9.2.3

008/29 should be coded a


‡a name

‡b numeration

‡c titles or other designations

‡d dates

‡q fuller form of name

‡i relationship information

‡w control subfield

RDA 30.1

RDA K.2.1

Primarily used for people with more than one identity (pseudonym(s) and real identity)

Can only link to established headings

008/29 should be coded a

“‡w r” coding is required whenever a relationship designator is given in ‡i

If more than two identities, “‡w nnnc” is required when listing all the other identities.

Use with 663 field.

Record relationships reciprocally in both NARs.

100 1# ‡a Snicket, Lemony

500 1# ‡w r ‡i Real identity: ‡a Handler, Daniel

100 1# ‡a Handler, Daniel

500 1# ‡w r ‡i Alternate identity: ‡a Snicket, Lemony

100 1# Dickens, Charles, ‡d 1812-1870

500 0# ‡w nnnc ‡a Boz, ‡d 1812-1870

500 1# ‡w nnnc ‡a Sparks, Timothy, 1812-1870

663 ## ‡a For works of this author written under other names, search also under ‡b Boz, 1812-1870 ‡a and ‡b Sparks, Timothy, 812-1870

100 0# ‡a Boz, ‡d 1812-1870

500 1# ‡w nnnc ‡a Dickens, Charles, ‡d 1812-1870

663 ## ‡a Works by this author are identified by the name used in the item. For a listing of the names used by this author, search also under: ‡b Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870

100 1# ‡a ‡a Sparks, Timothy, 1812-1870

500 1# ‡w nnnc ‡a Dickens, Charles, ‡d 1812-1870

663 ## ‡a Works by this author are identified by the name used in the item. For a listing of the names used by this author, search also under: ‡b Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870


‡a corporate/ jurisdiction name

‡b subordinate unit

RDA 32.1

RDA K2.3

Can only link to established headings

008/29 should be coded a

“‡w r” coding is required whenever a relationship designator is given in ‡i

Record relationships reciprocally in both NARs.

100 1# ‡a Zuckerberg, Mark, ‡d 1984-

510 2# ‡w r ‡i Founded corporate body of person: ‡a Facebook (Firm)

110 2# ‡a Facebook (Firm)

500 1# ‡w r ‡i Founder: ‡a Zuckerberg, Mark, ‡d 1984-


‡a explanatory text

‡b heading referred to

RDA 30.2

Use when a person uses more than two identities, when more than one person shares an identity with one or more others, or when multiple persons use the same pseudonym independent of each other

100 1# ‡a Phillips, Mark

500 1# ‡w nnnc ‡a Garrett, Randall

500 1# ‡w nnnc ‡a Janifer, Laurence M.

663 ## ‡a Joint pseudonym of Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer. For works of these authors written under their

own names, search also under: ‡b Garrett, Randell ‡b Janifer, Laurence M.


‡a nonpublic general note

RDA 8.13

Wording is recommended but not prescriptive:

  • Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
  • Not same as: [name or title, LCCN].
  • Cannot identify with: [name or title, LCCN].
  • Reinvestigate before using again.
  • Formerly on undifferentiated name record: [LCCN of undifferentiated name record].
  • Coded provisional because [reason for coding].
  • Date of birth removed from all fields per author request, [date updated].

100 1# ‡a Khiḍr, Ṣūnyā

667 ## ‡a Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.

100 1# Imray, James F. ‡q (James Frederick), ‡d 1829?-1891

667 ## ‡a Not the same as: Imray, James (nr 93026430)

100 1# Wood, Jo, ‡c Dr




‡a source citation

‡b information found

RDA 8.12

See here for more details.

100 1# ‡a Barret, Gilles, ‡d 1960-

670 ## ‡a Comment investir dans le cinéma? ‡b (Gilles Barret) page 4 of cover (economist; since 2011, specializing in the economic aspect of motion picture production)

670 ## ‡a OCLC, April 19, 2018 ‡b (access point: Barret, Gilles, 1960- )


‡a source citation

RDA 8.12

Follow instructions from 670. Omit $b (just leave a space after the colon

Only use when the very the lack of information is considered worth recording (for instance, an actor that is not on IMDB)


‡a biographical or historical data

‡b expansion

RDA 9.17

PUL does not use this field.


Further considerations

When doing authority work, ask yourself:

  • Is there potential for this information to harm the author through outing or violating their right to privacy?
  • Is there an indication that the author consents to having this information shared publicly?
  • Will including this information help a library user in the search process?

(From: Thompson. “More Than a Name: A Content Analysis of Name Authority Records for Authors Who Self-Identify as Trans,” Library Resources & Technical Services 60, no. 3 (July 2016))


The following NAR examples have been slightly altered to conform to PUL practices.

Human beings

046 ## ‡f 1809 ‡g 1890 ‡2 edtf

100 1# ‡a Bigger, S. Lenox L. ‡q (Samuel Lenox L.), ‡d 1809-1890

370 ## ‡c Ireland ‡e Dublin (Ireland) ‡2 naf

372 ## ‡a Poetry ‡2 lcsh

373 ## ‡a Academy of Medicine in Ireland ‡2 naf

374 ## ‡a Physicians ‡a Poets ‡2 lcsh

375 ## ‡a Males ‡2 lcdgt

377 ## ‡a eng

378 ## ‡q Samuel Lenox L.

400 1# ‡a Bigger, Samuel Lennox L., ‡d 1809-1890

670 ## ‡a A triplet of poems, 1886: ‡b title page (S. Lenox L. Bigger; fellow of the Academy of Medicine)

670 ## ‡a A Poem for Christmas, RCPI Heritage Centre Blog WWW site, April 20, 2018 ‡b (Dr. Samuel Lenox L. Bigger; born 1809, died 1890; physician and poet)

670 ## ‡a Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland, 1846: ‡b page 235 (Dr. Samuel Lenox L. Bigger; worked in Dublin)

670 ## ‡a VIAF, April 20, 2018 ‡b (access point: Bigger, Samuel Lennox L.‏)


Follow guidelines for creating pseudonyms.

046 ## ‡f 1888-06-13 ‡g 1935-11-30 ‡2 edtf

053 #0 ‡a PQ9261.P417

100 1# ‡a Caeiro, Alberto, ‡d 1888-1935

377 ## ‡a por ‡a eng

500 1# ‡w nnnc ‡a Pessoa, Fernando, ‡d 1888-1935

663 ## ‡a Works by this author are identified by the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under: ‡b Pessoa, Fernando, 1888-1935

670 ## ‡a Biography resource center, November 5, 2008 ‡b (Pessoa, Fernando (1888-1935); also known as Charles Robert Anon, Baron de Teive, Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos, C. Pacheco, Ricardo Reis, Alexander Search, Bernardo Soares)

Stage names

046 ## ‡f 1949-08-25 ‡2 edtf

053 #0 ‡a ML420.S5629 ‡c Biography

100 1# ‡a Simmons, Gene, ‡d 1949-

372 ## ‡a Rock music ‡2 lcsh

374 ## ‡a Musicians ‡a Singers ‡a Bass guitarists ‡2 lcsh

377 ## ‡a eng

400 1# ‡a Klein, Gene, ‡d 1949-

400 1# ‡a Witz, Chaim, ‡d 1949-

510 2# ‡a ‡w r ‡i Founded corporate body: ‡a Kiss (Musical group)

670 ## ‡a Kiss, 1978: ‡b label (Gene Simmons)

670 ## ‡a OCLC, April 29, 2018 ‡b (access point: Simmons, Gene, 1949- )

670 ## ‡a IMDb, October 28, 1996 ‡b (Gene Simmons; actor, co-founder of the rock group Kiss)

670 ## ‡a Rolling Stone encyclopedia of rock & roll, 1995: ‡b (under Kiss: Gene Simmons; born Gene Klein, August 25, 1949, Haifa, Israel; vocals, bass)

670 ## ‡a All music guide WWW site, April 11, 2005 ‡b (Gene Simmons; born Chaim Witz, August 25, 1949 in Haifa, Israel; name changed to Gene Klein after relocating to New York City in the late 1950s, then to Gene Simmons on the founding of Kiss)


100 1# ‡a Johnson, Lyndon B. ‡q (Lyndon Baines), ‡d 1908-1973 ‡c (Spirit)

368 ## ‡c Spirits ‡2 lcsh

377 ## eng

378 ## ‡q Lyndon Baines

670 ## ‡a Charles H. Hapgood papers, 1898-1979 ‡b (conversation between Charles H. Hapgood and the spirit of Lyndon B. Johnson, through mediumship, March 18, 1973)

Fictitious characters

100 1# ‡a Hook, ‡c Captain (Fictitious character)

368 ## ‡c Fictitious characters ‡2 lcsh

374 ## ‡a Pirates ‡a Ship captains ‡2 lcsh

375 ## Males ‡2 lcdgt

377 ## eng

400 0# ‡a Captain Hook ‡c (Fictitious character)

400 1# ‡a Hook, James ‡c (Fictitious character)

670 ## ‡a OCLC, April 29, 2017 ‡b (access point: Hook, Captain (Fictitious character); usage: Captain Hook)

670 ## ‡a Wikipedia, July 21, 2017 ‡b English version (Captain James Hook; fictional character; Peter Pan's archenemy; pirate captain of the brig Jolly Roger)

Legendary persons

100 0# ‡a Beowulf, ‡c King of the Geats

368 ## ‡a ‡c Legendary character

370 ## ‡c Sweden ‡f Götaland (Sweden) ‡2 naf

374 ## ‡a Kings ‡2 lcdgt

375 ## ‡a  Males ‡2 lcdgt

377 ## eng

400 0# ‡a Beowulf ‡c (Legendary character)

670 ## ‡a Oxford companion to world mythology online, June 20, 2014: ‡b (Beowulf; hero of the Anglo-Saxon epic poem named for him; killed the monster Grendel; became king of the Geats)

670 ## ‡a Britannica online, June 20, 2014 ‡b (Beowulf; prince of the Geats of southern Sweden; succeeds King Hygelac of the Geats)

670 ## ‡a Wikipedia, September 24, 2014 ‡b English version (Beowulf is a legendary Geatish hero and later turned king in the epic poem named after him)

Non-human entities

100 0# ‡a Moose ‡c (Dog)

368 ## ‡c Dogs ‡c Miniature schnauzer ‡2 lcsh

370 ## ‡e London (England) ‡2 naf

375 ## Males ‡s lcdgt

670 ## ‡a My name is Moose, 2011 : ‡b title page (Moose with Martin Usborne) page 4 of cover (My name is Moose and my master's a photographer)

670 ## ‡a Martin Usborne WWW site, October 17, 2013 ‡b (Moose is a Miniature Schnauzer who lives with his owner, Martin, in East London)



RDA toolkit

RDA in NACO training, module 2 - describing persons