TAG Activities 2023-2024


Gen AI and Teaching at Princeton - TAG conversation

December 20, 2023, 9:15 to 10 am, on Zoom


For the December meeting for the Teaching Affinity Group, please join us for a conversation with Wind Cowles, Associate Dean for Data, Research and Teaching Services. Wind served on a working group this summer organized by the Office of the Dean of the College to make recommendations to Princeton’s administration about how to address Generative AI in teaching and learning. She will share thoughts on how the current policies have evolved as well as connections to library programs and services.

We recommend looking at the McGraw Center's page on Generative AI Guidance and the PUL Libguide on Generative AI prior to this conversation. 

This event will be conducted on Zoom and will not be recorded.

Workshop Materials on Inclusive Teaching

November 29, 2023, 2 to 3 pm, on Zoom - About 22 staff attended

The Teaching Affinity Group (TAG) invites you to join Kate Thorpe from the McGraw Center.

In this workshop, we will consider inclusive teaching practices for library staff, reflecting on some best practices for teaching in class and group settings as well as in one-to-one consultations. Drawing on participants' own expertise and experiences, we will think through both some challenges and useful approaches to creating an inclusive and welcoming space in workshops and consultations, with the goal of helping all students feel comfortable reaching out to librarians as resources in their academic studies. 

This conversation will be conducted on zoom and will not be recorded.

Kate Thorpe consults with faculty in many aspects of online teaching and learning. A passionate and seasoned teacher, Kate is currently completing her PhD in English at Princeton, and has worked previously at the McGraw Center as a University Administrative Fellow. Prior to attending Princeton, she supported innovative pedagogical practices of teaching writing across the disciplines at Wesleyan University. A former Fulbright scholar and a poet, Kate also holds an MFA degree in creative writing from the University of Iowa. 

CoP with McGraw Center on Faculty Collaborations

March 31, 2023, 10:30 to 11:30 am, In-person - 8 staff attended

Please join us for a breakfast conversation with Jessica Del Vecchio, Senior Associate Director for Teaching Initiatives and Programs for Faculty at the McGraw Center. Jessica has joined Princeton recently. She will share her own experiences with library support when she was an assistant professor of Theatre at James Madison University. She is eager to learn more about how we as library staff connect with faculty here at Princeton.

We ask each participant to think ahead of time about an example to share of a successful collaboration with faculty members as well as a challenge they have faced with helping faculty connect with us as partners. We will collect ideas from this conversation to inform how we can further engage with the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.

Breakfast will be provided, and we can include up to 20 in-person participants, and additional participants on Zoom. We will confirm attendance via email. The conversation will not be recorded.

This Community of Practice event is brought to you by the Teaching Affinity Group (TAG) and the Teaching Research Steering Group (TRSG).