Open Research and Scholarship Affinity Group (ORSAG)

Welcome to the Open Research and Scholarship Affinity Group!

The goal of this group is to create a community around open research and scholarship and a community of practice around the many ways we support open research across PUL and our partner units. We hope to foster:

  • information sharing through presentations and themed discussions

  • a community space to share and discuss open research and scholarship-related developments

  • sharing of new tools and resources

  • promotion of open research and scholarship services, programs, and initiatives across campus

  • a community of practice for open research and scholarship advocates, practitioners, and supporters

The Open Research and Scholarship Affinity Group will be convened by Meghan Testerman and a rotating volunteer from the group. We will have the ability to form voluntary, ad-hoc working groups to tackle specific goals which may come by recommendation of myself, as the Open Research and Scholarship Librarian, from Library Leadership, or from the group. 

Meetings and Communication

Meetings are every second Monday of the month and will be shared on PUL Internal calendar.

We will use the #openresearch Slack Channel for communications

Wind Cowles is our LSC Sponsor

Quick Links

Past materials and mini-presentations

  • Exercise: What does open research/scholarship look like to you in your areas? Oct 2024 (Jamboard)

  • Jen Grayburn, Open Humanities (slides) Dec 2024

  • Meghan Testerman, Talking to researchers about open (slides | recording) Jan 2024