AI Affinity Group


Artificial Intelligence (AI) are rapidly developing technologies that are expected to significantly impact society. The AI Affinity group will provide an inclusive space for PUL employees to engage in discussion, hands-on experimentation, and may coordinate speakers to explore timely and relevant topics on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and closely related technologies. We will specifically focus on societal impacts that may affect library work. Attendees are welcomed at any level of experience or expertise, in accordance with North Star statement #2.  


The Conveners will:

  1. Provide coordination and hosting of regular meetings.

  2. Provide an environment welcoming for anyone interested in attending.

  3. Connect with campus stakeholders and/or work through external associations to bring in relevant guest speakers and trainers as appropriate.

  4. Collaborate with other Library and university groups on topics of common interest


These goals align specifically with North Star Statements #1, #2, #4, #6, although we may dip at times into all of the statement areas.

Communication Expectations

  • Slack

  • Email

  • Google Drive


Conveners include Hannah Hadley and Filipa Calado.