Teaching Affinity Group

Activities for 2023-2024


Finalized 12/5/2022

In support of PUL’s mission to “enrich teaching and learning”, the Teaching Affinity Group (TAG) will provide an open forum for conversations and host professional development sessions related to PUL teaching activities. PUL staff provide teaching-related services in a variety of contexts, from conducting open workshops to presenting one-shot sessions for courses to teaching full courses. Research consultations and conversations at a service desk can also include elements of teaching. Greater familiarity and comfort with teaching techniques such as active learning, situated learning, project-based learning and inclusivity practices in the classroom will help PUL staff to meet the high expectations of our campus community. The TAG aims to bring together staff from across the PUL system to reflect together on teaching practices; all library staff with interest in teaching practices will be welcome to join open monthly meetings. 

This charge will be reviewed and refreshed on a yearly basis.

The convenors will:

  1. Host monthly meetings, open to all Library staff, for discussion of topics surrounding teaching, with notes shared afterwards
  2. Connect with campus stakeholders to bring in relevant guest speakers and trainers as appropriate
  3. Share suggestions with Library leadership in response to ideas surfaced during meetings or otherwise gathered by the convenors
  4. Provide quarterly updates in written form or in conversations with Library leadership
  5. Collaborate with other Library and university groups on topics of common interest 

The action items below connect directly with North Star Statements #1, 2 and 6.

Communication Expectations

INTERNAL (among convenors)

  • Slack and email
  • Google Drive


EXTERNAL (among PUL staff, administration, and campus)

  • Report to LAT / LSC on a quarterly basis.
  • Monthly open programs to include workshops and discussions. Sharing of recordings and notes soon after meetings are held.
  • Communicate announcements to PUL staff and campus stakeholders via email.
  • Anyone can contribute suggestions to the group via an email to one of the convenors.

TAG Convenors

We aim to have no more than four convenors at any given time, with rotation every 2 years.  Convenors can renew their appointment for one additional term. Supervisor approval is needed to join as a convenor.

LSC Sponsor:  Wind Cowles 

Convenors for 2023:

Anuradha Vedantham (Chair), DaRTS (ex officio)

Kelee Pacion, DaRTS

Rebecca Friedman, SanD

Thomas Keenan , CAS

Meeting/Project Schedule 

The TAG will host monthly open conversations and training sessions on a reliable schedule. Meeting notes will be shared via Confluence within two weeks after each meeting. When possible, training sessions will be recorded and shared on Confluence.