Digital Projects Steering Group


In June 2021, the Digital Projects Steering Group was replaced by the Digital Strategy Group (DSG) and Digital Projects Operations Group (DPOG).


  • Brenna Campbell (Collection Development / Preservation)
  • Faith Charlton (Special Collections)
  • Christa Cleeton (Special Collections)
  • Esmé Cowles (IT; Chair)
  • Rex Hatfield (Metadata)
  • Thomas Keenan (Collection Development)
  • Kim Leaman (IT / Project Management)
  • Kate Lynch (IT / Digital Repository and Discovery Services)
  • Roel Muñoz (IT / Imaging)

LLT Sponsor

  • Jon Stroop (Director of Library IT and Digital Services)


The Digital Projects Steering Group (“DPSG”) exists to plan and prioritize projects that involve digitization or require significant information technology resources related to digitization. It also sets and maintains local best practices related to workflows and the preservation of remediated and born-digital resources in the Library’s collections.

In order to accomplish this mission, DPSG must maintain a cross-functional membership with representation from Library IT, Preservation, Collection Development, and Special Collections. This group is responsible for collecting and considering new potential projects or initiatives discussing and—critically—communicating the results of those discussions back to stakeholders.

DPSG will work to find efficiencies and identify unmet needs and unexploited opportunities to offer better services, and may make recommendations to the Library Leadership Team for improvements in policy, staffing, and infrastructure. Finally, the committee will keep track of preferred vendors for digitization and all outsourced projects MUST pass through DPSG for review.

The group will occasionally organize working groups to implement or oversee special projects, write reports, or carry out other specific tasks with a predetermined goal or lifecycle.

During 2020, DPSG’s primary activities will include:

  • Compile a portfolio of current projects, including current status, which will then be kept up to date, and notify stakeholders when changes are made.
  • Improve the process for proposing projects, including defining a set of project norms and acceptance criteria, and setting a threshold for what constitutes a “project” vs. meeting normal service requirements.
  • Document the Library's digital preservation needs, and review current tools and processes to make sure they support those needs.
  • Draft and publish policies in key areas related to digital projects including responding to takedown requests, hosting third-party content, and making notices more accessible to our users.

Committee Norms

  • Communication: Communication between meetings takes place in the private #dpsg channel on the PULibrary Slack Team.
  • Agendas, Notes, and Working Documents: All meetings must have an agenda or be cancelled, and notes should be finalized within a week. Note taking will rotate. Agendas, notes, and any other working documents will be created and maintained in the group’s shared Google Drive folder:
  • Documentation and Policies: Policies and notices targeted at end users will be incorporated into the Library Website, Library Catalog, Finding Aids, Digital PUL, and other user-facing websites as appropriate. Other documentation, such as policies, best practices, and documentation of the project proposal process, will be maintained in the Confluence wiki.
  • Reports. DPSG will provide an update to the Library Leadership Team at the end of each semester and the summer. This report may be circulated to the entire staff as appropriate.
  • Charge Review: This document and the membership should be reviewed on an annual basis coinciding with the acceptance of this charge, which originally occurred in March, 2018.
  • Membership: The group should strive to stay under ten members, but may spin off short-lived working groups to accomplish specific tasks that include additional members. There are no term-limits, but membership may be reviewed at any time, and must be reviewed as part of the annual charge review.