Added Entry and Other Linking Fields (700/710, 740, 752)
⮚Access Points for Authors, Editors and Corporate Bodies (700, 710)
Because the definition of a newspaper often excludes publications emanating from corporate bodies or personal authors, a newspaper record will rarely require a corporate body or personal name access point (CCM 33.1). Several 18th and 19th century newspapers were authored by noteworthy individuals. Some special interest newspapers are issued by corporate bodies that are not solely newspaper publishers. Records for Native American tribal newspapers also include the corporate name added entry for the tribe. Include an access point for the body or individual as instructed in CCM 4.8. The RDA form of the name is entered according to instructions in chapters 9 and 11, or as found in the LC/NACO Authority File file. Relator terms are included. (CCM: 33.13.1)
245 00 $a Win awenen nisitotung = $b He who understands.
246 31 $a He who understands
264 #1 $a Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. : $b Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians
710 2# $a Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.
⮚Uncontrolled related/analytical title (Field 740)
Newspaper supplements and special issues are cataloged as separate works only in rare cases, when local needs dictate. Field 740 may be used, in conjunction with a supplement note (field 525), to provide access to named supplements that are not cataloged as separate works. (CCM: 33.6.2)
130 0# $a News-journal (Daytona Beach, Fla.)
245 14 $a The news-journal.
310 ## $a Daily
525 ## $a Has supplement with title: Daily journal, 1986-<1995>
740 02 $a Daily journal.
⮚Hierarchical place name (Field 752)
The newspaper’s place of publication is input in field 752. The 752 field can be used to generate machine-ordered lists of catalog records, arranged by place name, and some catalog systems index the field. The current name is recorded, including the country name and subordinate units (e.g., state, territory, province, county, city). Field 752 is established as a core element for newspaper records (see CEG B6.4.2) although only subfields $a (country) and $d (city) are considered mandatory; subfield $b (state, province, or territory) is mandatory if applicable. (CCM: 33.14)
130 0# $a Financial times (London, England)
245 14 $a The financial times.
264 #1 $a London [England] : $b MacRae, Curtice & Co., $c 1888-
651 #0 $a London (England) $v Newspapers.
752 ## $a Great Britain $b England $d London. 130 0# $a Call (Kansas City, Mo. : 1919)
When a newspaper changes its place of publication, it is generally noted in field 500 (or in an additional 264 field) and also in an additional 752 field (see also CCM 33.12.1).
245 00 $a Daily Nevada tribune.
264 #1 $a Carson City, Nev. : $b McClure & Parkinson
500 ## $a Published in Reno, Nev., Apr. 22-July 1896.
752 ## $a United States $b Nevada $c Washoe $d Reno.
752 ## $a United States $b Nevada $c Carson City $d Carson City.