Publisher, Issuing Body

Publisher, Issuing Body

Corporate Bodies as Publishers/Issuing bodies.

In addition to the infrequent situations where a corporate body functions as creator and authorized access point, it may also serve other functions, including issuing body (most often), commercial publisher, or sponsoring body. Corporate bodies that are not primarily in the business of publishing but are responsible for the issuance of the serial are referred to as "issuing bodies.“ (CCM: 10.2.2.a)

A corporate body that appears in a serial may also be neither a publisher nor an issuing body. The cataloger sometimes must discern bodies that are publishers from others whose functions are different or unknown, based on information from inside or outside the publication and on general knowledge of publications. (CCM: 10.2.2.a) If a corporate body appearing on the piece is in some way responsible for the serial but has not been recorded in the statement of responsibility or the publishing statement, it may be recorded in an Issuing Bodies Note.

264 #1 $a Wien ; $a New York : $b Springer-Verlag

550 ## $a Organ of: Internationale Gesellschaft für Neurovegetative Forschung.

Government printers recorded as publisher

A government printer named on the piece is recorded as the publisher when there is no evidence that its function is not that of a publisher or distributor. If, however, another body appears prominently on the piece and the government printing office is named only in a less prominent position, it is probable that the office is functioning only as a printer and that the body is the publisher (LC-PCC PS for

Shortening and omitting part of the name of the publisher.

RDA and CONSER practice is to transcribe the name of the publisher as it appears on the piece or preferred source. Recording abbreviations or recording only part of the name of the publisher should be avoided. This differs from AACR2 practice. (CCM: 10.2.2d)

Omitting/Retaining Preceding Words.

Words solely indicating publishing function are unnecessary because of the placement of the information in the publishing statement. But preceding words that imply something other than publishing or when two statements are grammatically linked to one another are retained and recorded.

On piece: Published bi-weekly by the Wall Street Transcript Corporation

Record as:

264 #1 $a New York, N.Y. : $b Wall Street Transcript Corporation

310 ## $a Biweekly


On piece: Published for the Institute of Directors by the Director Publications Ltd

Record as:

264 #1 $ a ... : $b Published for the Institute of Directors by the Director Publications Ltd.

Name of Publisher cannot be Ascertained

Give ”[publisher not identified]” when there is no publishing statement and there is no probable publisher that could be supplied (RDA In such cases, if a distributor statement is available, provide that statement.

264 #1 $a Paris [Maine] : $b [publisher not identified]


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