Numbering Peculiarities Note (515)

Numbering Peculiarities Note (515)

The numbering peculiarities note (515) is used to explain changes, irregularities, or complex situations relating to the numbering that cannot be fully expressed in field 362 and/or the 588 "Description based on" note, that is any peculiarities in numbering or publishing patterns. Examples are: double numbering, combined issues, confusion in the use of series numbering or multiple numbering systems, publication of preliminary issues not included in the regular numbering; publication of preliminary issues not included in the regular numbering.

Irregularities or peculiarities in numbering

515 ## $a Vols. 53 and 54 combined.

515 ## $a Designation New ser. is dropped with v. 38, 1908.

515 ## $a Vols. for the 8th-19th annual meetings also called v. 7-17 (9th and 10th issues combined as v. 8).

515 ## $a Issues for June 2, 1847-June 26, 1847 have no volume numbering but constitute but constitute v. 1.

515 ## $a Issues for March 13 and 20, 1976 incorrectly numbered, but constitute v. 222, no. 10 and no. 11

515 ## $a Publications designated 1st-67th (1878-1946); 68th ed. (1947)-

515 ## $a Some issues lack volume numbering.

515 ## $a Some issues lack designation.

Irregularities or peculiarities in publishing patterns.

515 ## $a New ser. v. 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1837) not issued.

515 ## $a Suspended 1926-1929, 1936.

515 ## $a Annual for 1906 not published.

515 ## $a Issues for June 2, 1847-June 26, 1847 have no volume numbering but constitute v. 1.

515 ## $a Some no. issued together.

515 ## $a Two or more consecutive issues sometimes bear the same date.

Publications issued in parts or revised editions.

515 ## $a Issued in parts.

515 ## $a Directories for some sessions issued in revised editions.

Report year coverage

515 ## $a Report covers fiscal year.

515 ## Sa Reports for 1938- end June 30; end Sept. 30.

515 ## $a Report year ends Sept. 30.

515 ## $a Report year irregular.