Other Title Information (245b)
RDA defines Other title information as a word, character, or group of words or characters that appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, the title proper of a manifestation (e.g., subtitle).
Is required only if it provides clarification or support to the Title proper that otherwise might appear misleading without the Other title information (CONSER) or when the statement of responsibility is embedded in the Other title information (RDA).
Record Other title information in the 245, subfield b only from the same source as the Title proper (RDA Statements that would normally constitute Other title Information that are found only on other sources may be given in a note.
The most common type of Other title information is the subtitle. In order to decrease the need for maintenance given the frequency by which subtitles change, CONSER practice is to transcribe the subtitle judiciously and when it provides clarification to the title proper.
245 00 $a Computers and libraries : $b an Australian directory.
245 00 $a Montana: $b the magazine of Western history.
⮚Parallel Title Proper and Acronyms
CONSER practice is to record in MARC field 245, subfield b when a Parallel title proper is present and for acronyms or initialisms (CCM: 6.1.4.d) that are embedded in the Title proper.
245 00 $a Statistik ekonomi tahunan = $b Annual economic statistics. $p Perkhidmatan kesihatan swasta dan kerja sosial = Private health and social work services.
246 31 $a Annual economic statistics
When the piece has: Christopher University Journal of Management and Social Sciences (CUJMSS), Record as:
245 00 $a Christopher University journal of management and social sciences : $b CUJMSS.
246 31 $a CUJMSS
⮚When the Statement of Responsibility is Embedded in the Other Title Information
CONSER practice is to follow RDA and transcribe the Statement of responsibility as Other title information (245, subfield b) when the SR is linked to or embedded in the Title proper.
245 00 $a History of intellectual culture : $b international yearbook of knowledge and society. (PUL CSR OCLC 1452985071)
⮚Changes to the Other Title Information (Subtitle, etc.)
A change in Other title Information does not constitute a major change, i.e., it does not warrant the creation of a new description. In most cases, such a change is ignored, or a note, Subtitle varies, may be given. (CCM: 6.7.1)
245 00 Emergency services SA : $b promoting the proficiency of fire, rescue and emergency medical services in southern Africa.
500 ## Subtitle varies. (CEG:500, page 3)
246 1# $i Issues for 2005/06- have subtitle: $a Revenue, income and expenditure estimates for the financial year ...
500 ## Subtitle varies. (CEG:500, page 3)